A variety of events are planned to honor veterans around the Klamath Basin this Veterans Day. Following is a list of events. If you know of an event not on this list, please let us know by emailing clerk@heraldandnews.com.
Note: all events are Sunday, Nov. 11 unless otherwise noted. If no cost is listed, the event is free.
The Commanders jazz ensemble
Where: Ross Ragland Theater, 218 N. Seventh St.
When: 7:30 p.m. Friday
Cost: Free, but you must get tickets in advance. Call the theater at 541-884-5483 or visit the box office for reserved tickets.
The Commanders is a 17-member jazz ensemble of the United States Air Force Band of the Golden West. Donations for troop care packages will be accepted. Non-perishable food items, toiletries, batteries, entertainment items, small electronics, or financial gifts will be accepted.
Veterans Day Parade
Where: Parade starts at South Spring Street, continues down Main Street and ends at Veterans Memorial Park.
When: Parade starts at 10 a.m. Sunday, participants can register until the start of the event.
The annual Veterans Day parade is being organized by the Klamath Freedom Celebration. Any business, organization or group can participate.
Veterans Day Memorial Service
Where: Veterans Memorial Park, southwest of Main Street where it meets with Klamath Avenue.
When: Memorial ceremony after parade, around 11 a.m. Sunday.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars is organizing a memorial ceremony that will include a color guard, riffle squad and wreath laying. Food will be served after the event. A flyover is scheduled by the 173rd Fighter Wing at Kingsley Field for 11 a.m..
American Legion Post 8 breakfast and lunch
Where: 228 N. Eighth St., Klamath Falls
When: 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Sunday
American Legion Post No. 8 will honor veterans with a pancake and ham breakfast. A stew lunch will be served at noon. For more information, call the Post at 541-882-0475.
Starv’n Marvin’ Veterans Meal
Where: 1822 Austin St.
When: 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday
The Klamath Freedom Celebration has teamed up with Starv’n Marv’n Family Restaurant to provide free meals to veteran, active or non-active military members.
Tulelake F-15 Flyover
Where: Tulelake Veterans Park
When: 10:55 a.m. Sunday weather permitting
Two Oregon Air National Guard F-15C Eagles from the 173rd Fighter Wing at Kingsley Field will pass the Tulelake Veteran’s Park on Sunday as weather permits. The event is the fifth Veterans Day Memorial program and is sponsored by the Tulelake Chamber of Commerce. Arrive early.
Lake County Veterans Day ceremony
Where: Lake County Court House lawn
When: 11 a.m. Monday
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4070 have organized a remembrance ceremony to honor veterans. The event is being held Monday to avoid scheduling conflicts with church services according to VFW commander George Middleton.
Oregon Tech Veterans Day Luncheon
Where: Mt. Mazama room, second floor of the College Union
When: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday
A free lunch for all veterans will be hosted by Oregon Tech President Dr. Chris Maples. RSVP with 541-885-1103 or adria.paschall@oit.edu.
Veterans Dinner in Lakeview
Where: Lakeview Elks Lodge No. 1536, 322 N. F St., Lakeview
When: 4 p.m. Sunday
The Lakeview Elks Lodge will be serving a free spaghetti dinner to veterans and their spouses on Sunday.