Local Food Month is a countywide celebration of local food, local farmers and local abundance, intended to raise awareness of agriculture and healthy food systems in Humboldt County.
Throughout September, a series of events provide opportunities to enjoy and learn about local foods and the people who produce them. Many of the events are free.
For details, directions, maps, phone numbers and an updated listing of events, visit http://caff.org/about/humboldt, http://humfarm.org or call CAFF at 826-0233. The events coming up in the next seven days are also listed here each week:
* Saturday, 3:30 p.m. Humboldt CAFF Farm Extravaganza
* Saturday, 6:30 p.m. Farm to Table Full Moon Fundraiser at Bayside Park Farm
* Sunday, 5-7 p.m. Co-Op Eat Local Challenge Celebration Potluck
* Sunday to Oct. 7. Restaurant Week