Lantern Festival listed on Limbang’s calendar of events

by Salena Pail,
. Posted on September 24, 2012, Monday

FOSTERING UNITY: Dr Abdul Rahman (third right) walking around town with his lantern together with other participants.

LIMBANG: Lantern Festival will be celebrated in Limbang district and be listed as one of its yearly calendar of events to attract outside visitors.

In saying this, Bukit Kota assemblyman Dr Abdul Rahman Ismail explained that the lantern festival would continue to be hosted by Pakan Neighbourhood Watch Committee (KRT) in collaboration with National Unity and Integration Department (NUID) as a platform to strengthen unity among the multi-racial community.

“The lantern festival will be inserted as one of the main celebrations for Limbang’s tourism calendar as its uniqueness could foster unity towards 1Malaysia,” he said during the lantern festival celebration on Saturday night.

At the same time, he also said that the hosting of lantern festival by the KRT showcased the strong cooperation within the committee towards instilling a spirit of solidarity in the area.

He revealed that a total of 38 KRTs had been established for Limbang district where each of the KRT had planned various activities and celebrations to be held throughout the year.

“Among the activities are Food Festival, Bukit Mas Day, Education Festival, Limbang Festival, National Day, Malaysia Day celebrations, Lantern Festival, Borneo Tug of War Competition, Battle of the Band as well as New Year Eve celebration,” he elaborated.

In Saturday’s celebration, Dr Abdul Rahman cut a mooncake and lit a 1Malaysia lantern to launch the event before walking around Limbang town.

More than 3,000 visitors thronged Dataran Jubli Emas to celebrate the lantern festival.

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