That’s weird?
Back on Monday the Obama Campaign listed an “Islamic Jumah at the DNC” as an “official function” at the DNC convention in Charlotte next week.
But now it’s gone.
Gerard Direct has more on the disappearing Jumah:
Earlier this week, we posted an article about the DNC sponsoring, as an “official event” JUMAH at the DNC (watch the promotional video here).
Florida Family Association sent out an email alert on August 29, 2012 which reported the following two sub headlines:
“DNC approves Jumah for 20,000 Muslims.” “RNC adopts anti-Sharia plank at convention.”
The email alert and website provided a link to the DNC web site calendar of events which at that time and up until yesterday afternoon included the Juma event, which the original DNC website listed as an “official function.”
However, since then, the Jumah event was removed from the DNC web site calendar, and there is no reference at all to the event. A supporter noted in an e-mail, “It was still there 5.30 PM on 8/30/2012 and at 6.30 PM it was gone! I looked everywhere but it’s not listed anymore.”
The event is still listed at
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