Microsoft Surface Tablet Listed on Swedish Website for $1003

Released amid much excitement and fanfare, the Microsoft Surface tablet was shrouded in one particular mystery at its debut: How much would it cost? Wednesday, Swedish website Webhallen listed a retail price for the upcoming tablet: 6,900 Swedish kronor, which is $1,003.51 in U.S. currency.

That price is for the ARM-powered Surface tablet, which is running Windows RT with 32GB of storage. The Microsoft Surface Pro, a higher-end unit packing 128GB of disk space and running Windows 8, will reportedly sell for an eye-popping $2,152 (14990 kr) in Sweden.

We contacted Microsoft, asking if company representatives had any comment about these prices that are much higher than other tablets. We will let you know if we get a response to our query.

If these prices are anywhere near the U.S. retail prices for these two products, the lowest-priced Microsoft Surface tablet will be hitting a tough market costing roughly 50% more than a 32GB iPad with a Retina display. Perhaps Microsoft was thinking its pricing for Surface should be more in line with that of higher-end laptops.

What do you think? Will Microsoft succeed with its Surface if its pricing starts around $1,000? Or is that $1,000 figure not indicative of the pricing for the U.S. market?

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