Using the internet is a way to generate income and to work full-time from home. If you want to expand your revenue online, you can do so by searching for already-established domains or websites for sale. When you purchase domain names and sites that are already listed for sale, you have a chance of generating an income stream from the website’s popularity during or prior to its listing. You can purchase entire websites which are pre-built and ready to go, and you can buy domain names, which are simply pointers to a site which you have developed.
Potential methods of monetizing websites
Once you have purchased a website or domain that was listed for sale, you can make money from the website using different methods, based on the site’s name and what it offered prior to the buy. You can make money from websites for sale by placing third-party advertisement codes on your website, generating income from the number of page views and click-throughs you receive on the advertisements and links you place on the page (after the domain is in your name and using your web host). You can also list products and services available; if these products and services relate to what the old site offered, this increases your chances of a sale or gaining a new client. You can use the website’s name to draw attention to your brand, gaining new customers and fans, especially if you have a premium domain name with easy-to-read words and a memorable or catchy name. Using your new site to grow your current brand is also a possibility, as you can easily redirect the domain name to a site which you already have.
How to Find Websites for Sale
You can use well-known website hosts and domain-searching services to find and compare websites that are currently listed for sale. There are also specific auction-based communities that focus on listing websites and domains that have recently been listed for sale but are still in use, and they also list websites that are also expiring or have recently expired. Purchasing an expired domain is ideal, as it allows you to instantly purchase the name directly from the registrar and not through a third party. However, remember that you are not the only one searching for these sites; if you do not make the purchase as soon as it is available, an automated system or another purchaser may get there first.
Looking for websites that are already established for sale gives you a boost to your traffic and an audience which is already familiar with the name. It can also provide you with an income stream almost immediately after the purchase, depending on the site’s traffic and statistics prior to purchasing the domain.
This article is an original contribution by Kristen Bradley.
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