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Coming up in the next two weeks (16-29 July)
16 July, Brussels, Belgium. REN21 GLOBAL STATUS REPORT – BRUSSELS LAUNCH EVENT. This event – hosted by the European Commission – aims to give European stakeholders an opportunity to participate in a presentation of the findings of the Global Status Report 2012 and participate in a discussion on the state of renewable energy in Europe. The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) Renewables 2012 Global Status Report addresses the effect of steady growth in renewable energy markets, support policies, and investment in the past years. For more information, visit the REN21 website.
18-20 July, Mexico City, Mexico. UNFCCC TECHNICAL WORKSHOP ON WATER, CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS AND ADAPTATION. The Conference of Parties (COP) at its seventieth session requested the secretariat to organise a technical workshop on water, climate change impacts, and adaptation strategies, in collaboration with Nairobi work programme partner organisations and other relevant organisations. This workshop will be informed by the information contained in Annex I to the report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its 34th session and subsequent views of Parties. It will include traditional knowledge for adaptation, gender-sensitive tools, and approaches as cross-cutting issues. For more information, visit the UNFCC website.
16-18 July, Khabarovsk, Russia, APEC MEETING OF MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENVIRONMENT. Ministers of natural resources and heads of subordinate agencies on environmental protection from APEC economies will debate the following issues: preserving biodiversity and environmental heritage, including the management of designated conservation areas; rational use of natural resources; trans-border streams and the sustainable use of natural resources; combating trans-border pollution; climate change mitigation and adaptation; and, promoting green growth through environmental goods and services, advanced conservancy methods, clean manufacturing and consumption techniques. For more information, visit the APEC 2012 website.
23-27 July, Geneva, Switzerland. THE 62ND MEETING OF THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA (CITES) STANDING COMMITTEE. This meeting will be the final substantive preparatory meeting of the Committee before the 16th meeting of the CITES Conference of the Parties (COP16) takes place in Bangkok (3-17 March 2013). The Standing Committee will discuss measures to conserve and sustainably manage elephants, rhinoceros, sharks, snakes, big leaf mahogany and other species; Rio+20 outcomes; South-South cooperation; CITES inter-relationship with the CBD, FAO, GEF, ICCAT, INTERPOL, UNODC, UNEP, WCO and the World Bank; and also major compliance, enforcement, financing and science issues. For more information, visit the CITES website.
24-26 July, Shanghai, China. MANAGING THE WTO ACCESSION PROCESS: STRATEGIES, CHALLENGES AND PRACTICES. This workshop, organised by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), will attempt to facilitate experience sharing among members of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program related to WTO accession. It aims to provide trade officials in non-WTO CAREC countries with insights on option for managing the accession process in areas such as, identification of goals, assessment of options, formulation of negotiating strategies, and management of the negotiating team and national committee. For more information, visit the ADB website.
Other upcoming events
8 August, Brasilia, Brazil. FIRST WIPO INTERREGIONAL MEETING ON SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) GOVERNANCE; GENETIC RESOURCES, TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND FOLKLORE (GRTKF); AND COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS. This meeting, organised by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), intends to enhance the capacity of policy-makers to take decisions on intellectual property (IP) governance, genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore, and copyright and related rights. The meeting will also discuss the recent global developments in those fields of IP and facilitate knowledge sharing and dissemination of practices and experiences among developing countries and LDCs. For more information, visit the WIPO website.
19-23 August, Jacksonville, US. STREAMLINING FOREST-BASED REPORTING WORKSHOP. This workshop aims to bring together experts, representing national and international reporting processes, to share information and exchange ideas on current and possible future reporting processes for criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management. This conference intends to address commonalities, and to promote opportunities for synergies and cooperation amongst reporting processes. For more information on this conference, click here.
3-7 September, Noumea, New Caledonia. 23rd ANNUAL SPREP MEETING. This Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) meeting is held annually for its member countries and donors to analyse progress made and discuss strategic plans and other regional conventions that pertain to SPREP’s mandate. For more information, visit the SPREP website.
10-14 September, Arusha, Tanzania. 14th REGULAR SESSION OF THE AFRICAN MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE ON THE ENVIRONMENT. This event will provide a platform for African Ministers to debate the outcomes of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), and address other emerging issues related to sustainable development and the environment in Africa. The meeting will also provide an opportunity to the Ministers to refine their strategies on a common approach to engaging with the international community in the climate change negotiation process and in preparation of the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 18), to take place at the end of 2012 in Doha, Qatar. For more information, visit the IISD website.
11-12 September, Plymouth, United Kingdom. OCEANS OF POTENTIAL CONFERENCE. This conference is an initiative of Plymouth’s marine science organisations and coordinated by Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Attendees will include stakeholders from a broad range of disciplines to discuss the opportunities offered by oceans including, renewable energy, carbon sequestration, human health, bioengineering and new approaches to food production. The conference will include a public debate on “Sustainable fisheries in a changing world.” For more information, visit the conference website.
19 September, New York, US. SIXTY-SEVENTH SESSION OF THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The 67th regular session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 67) will convene at the UN headquarters in New York. The preliminary list of items to be included in the provisional agenda is contained in document A/67/50. A draft programme of work of the plenary is expected to be issued in July 2012. For more information, visit the UN website.
14 November, Vienna, Austria. STRENGTHENING THE LINK: SUSTAINABLE BIOMASS FOREST CERTIFICATION. This event aims to explore sustainability issues related to expanding use of forest biomass for energy and other industries, and the application of forest certification. Organisers say the event aims to help build stronger relationships and understanding between sectors on sustainable forestry and promote the exchange of knowledge and available tools. For more information, visit the PEFC website.
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