A VILLAGE pub, regularly scraped by passing lorries, is up for sale.
Justin Scales, landlord of The King’s Arms in Rotherfield, is selling up to concentrate on his mobile fish and chip business.
The Kings Arms in Rotherfield. TWSL20110331E-013_C
quitting: Kim and Justin Scales
He said: “My wife works in Tunbridge Wells and the kids have all grown up and got their own career paths now – they want to be accountants, not work in a pub.”
The converted 17th century barn is a Grade II listed building. According to its website, it is one of the most haunted pubs in Sussex.
Daltons Business has the property listed for £120,000 leasehold. That includes a 50-space car park and seven bedrooms for staff. There are seven years left on the 25-year lease and the rent is £35,000 a year.
Mr Scales, who said he was fed up with lorry drivers scraping his pub’s wall as they negotiate the narrow High Street and Station Road junction, has already found a possible buyer from Laughton, near Ringmer.
He said: “We’ve had an offer last week from a couple. They don’t seem bothered by the lorries – the council is putting in some alleviating measures – and don’t want to do much with the pub.
“It’s been quite successful for us.”