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Million Dollar Listing LA Recap: Josh Altman Admits He Made A Mistake
July 12, 2012 12:35 AM by Melissa Stavarski
Last time on Bravo‘s Million Dollar Listing LA, Josh Altman got snippy with a prospective client. Then, as if that weren’t bad enough, he walked out of the listing meeting. Heather Bilyeu, Josh’s girlfriend, is horrified to hear about what Josh did. Is he really going to let his elephant sized ego get in the way of a huge commission? Will the client tell Josh to go fly a kite? Continue reading for all the details.
Gary’s house was on the market for 4 million last year. Josh Altman insists that a more realistic number would be closer to 3 million. Josh has a hissy fit after Gary doesn’t even entertain the idea. Gary clearly isn’t intimidated by the self-proclaimed God’s gift to real estate, so he lets him walk.
Josh loves money, so he calls Gary and admits he’s wrong. This time, Gary and Josh come to an agreement. The house goes on the market for 3.6 million. Josh is showing the house regularly. And, of course, he pats himself on the back for suggesting a price drop.
There’s an offer on the table. A fellow agent and her human parrot present an offer of 3.2 million to Josh. Josh laughs in their faces. Then he gets angry, because he knows he needs to bring this number back to Gary. Gary is not pleased.
He reminds Josh that they agreed on 3.6 million. Gary says, “An amateur could sell this house for 3.2.” Gary warns Josh, do not to call unless the number is right. Gary also refuses to extend a counter offer. Josh looks like he’s about to explode.
The same buyer brings 3.4 to the table. So close… but still not enough. Gary asks for 3.5 million, and the buyers agree. Josh earns 87,ooo dollars on the deal he nearly lost because of his ego.
Josh Flagg is helping family friend Perry, who is going through a divorce, find a smaller home in West Hollywood. Perry has no idea what he wants, and he’s not happy with what Josh is showing him. Kitchen? He has no use for it. Light fixtures? Not if they’re bedazzled and girly. Swimming pools? Not with grandchildren.
The second house Josh shows Perry is small but includes an income property. It’s listed for 1.6 million. Josh is wearing a black-trimmed white suit with a pink shirt. I was really hoping he was wearing pink shoes, to complete the look, but they’re black.
Perry can’t make up his mind, so they continue looking. In the end, Perry decides to put in an offer on the income property. It’s a done deal at 1.450 million.
I’m really digging the purple lampshades on Josh’s dining room chandelier. Also, his desk chair? Awesome!
Madison Hildebrand spends most of the episode looking like a toddler who is being scalded.
Madison’s client Michael wants to start showing his property, even though it’s still under construction. Madison prefers not to list the house before the construction is complete, but the seller insists otherwise. Madison isn’t very assertive, is he?
Madison prepares for the broker’s open. In terms of traffic, it goes very well. Agents are showing an interest in the property; however, they won’t be bringing any clients until the house is complete.
Madison and Michael agree that Madison will continue to show the house but not do anymore open houses until the house is ready. Besides his parent’s house, has Madison closed any deals yet this season? He seems to be down on his luck.
It looks like there’s going to be some drama between Madison, Josh, and Heather next week on Million Dollar Listing LA.
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Photo credit: Bravo
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