RJD Museum offers summer of events

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Editor’s note: Due to a production error, the summer events for the Rotch-Jones-Duff House Garden Museum were omitted from Seaside, the summer guide. They are listed here.

  • 6 p.m. June 14 (AHA! Night), guided neighborhood tour with Bruce Barnes. Partnering with our friends next door, the New Bedford Preservation Society, the RJD is pleased to host a tour of the beautiful 19th-century houses and neighborhood west of County Street. Arrive around 5 to enjoy the interiors of the museum and its gardens in bloom, before the walking tour begins. No fee.
  • Save June 16 for the RJD Dinner Dance.

Plans are under way for this year’s event, which will be hosted by Kissy Russell at Barney’s Joy Creek Farm in South Dartmouth. Check the museum website for updates.

  • June 21-June 24, Painting in the Garden Class with Severin Haines. The museum offers an adult painting class with local artist Haines, timed to coincide with peak bloom in the RJD’s full city block of gardens. The program is designed to accommodate a range of artistic experience working with oil, acrylic, watercolor or pastel. The program is six hours a day and offers a unique and concentrated learning experience, which combines one-on-one instruction with Haines each day, painting in the garden, and a shared art experience as participants gather each day for lunch to critique their progress. The program begins with an illustrated history of garden painting. Haines is professor emeritus at UMass Dartmouth. A suggested list of materials and supplies will be provided. The fee is $250 per student. Register at (508) 997-1401 or www.rjdmuseum.org.
  • 6:30 p.m. July 12 (AHA! Night). Yoga for Kids with Tim Donohue. Bring the entire family and join Tim Donohue and his YOGA KIDS as they demonstrate his particular style of kid-friendly yoga. No one is too young or too old. Also, enjoy old-fashioned lawn games and cool lemonade. No fee.
  • 6:30 p.m. July 18, “Tigers in Red Weather” with author Liza Klaussmann.

Klaussmann, great-great-great granddaughter of Herman Melville, is already earning comparisons to Ernest Hemingway and Henry Miller with her riveting, Gatsby-esque debut novel about a murder that disrupts a family’s life in mid-century Martha’s Vineyard. Liza grew up spending her summers on the island, and those memories helped knit together the setting, tastes, smells, and sounds that create the almost tangible beauty that permeates her novel. She will read selections at 7 p.m. Refreshments and books available. No fee.

  • 6 to 8 p.m. July 25, a celebration at Al Walker’s “Seathrift.” Walker, former RJD board member, invites the public to this celebration as he bids adieu to Seathrift, his personal gardens and home of more than 20 years in Dartmouth. His collections of art and interior furnishings, garden ornaments and sculpture will be offered for sale at auction on July 28. Enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvre and take home a catalog. Proceeds from the preview party will benefit the museum. Individual tickets $40, $75 for a pair at www.rjdmuseum or (508) 997-1401.
  • Aug. 1-2, RJD Symposium Garden Tour to Coastal Maine with Nan Sinton. All-inclusive cost of the trip (excluding dinner on Thursday) is $390 for double occupancy, $470 for single occupancy. Space is limited. Find details on the web site. Symposium funds underwrite the cost of student educational programming at the museum.
  • 7 p.m. Aug. 16, Concert in the Garden with Laura Cortese and the Acoustic Project. The concert will be held rain or shine. Tickets available at www.rjdmuseum.org or at 508-997-1401, $16 for members, $20 for non-members.

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