Access fear over homes

Access fear over homes

A record 70 people went to a Warminster Town Council planning meeting on Monday, to protest about a proposed development off Damask Way.

Nine people listed objections, including fears that increased traffic might lead to accidents and that the proposed access is unsuitable.

The plans are for 23 homes in a field behind Warminster Park, with 66 Damask Way demolished to make room for an access road.

A 150-signature petition was presented from area residents and the Weymouth Street Playgroup, which is concerned that increased traffic along Upper Marsh Road might harm youngsters.

Warminster councillors stressed that the development could not be resisted on planning grounds, but agreed that the access proposals were inappropriate.

Cllr Tony Nicklin said: “The proposed main site access by the demolition of No. 66 will result in a sharp, dangerous corner, with an adverse camber.

”Furthermore, the so-called ‘emergency vehicle access’ is unacceptable, as it occurs at a very narrow pinch point in Upper Marsh Road and is totally unsuitable for purpose.”

Members gave their full support to the protests and voted unanimously to recommend refusal of the plans, on access grounds.

Among Damask Way residents at the meeting was Patricia Firth, who said: “It was a wonderful turnout. Everyone around here is dead against this access.

“These houses have been here since the 1970s and the roads can’t cope with the increased volume of traffic even now, let alone with the extra houses.

“I don’t understand why they are proposing to demolish a perfectly good bungalow to build an access road, while saying its not good enough for emergency vehicles, so they will need to provide a
separate access for them.

“The council opposed it, but we will just have to wait and see whether Wiltshire Council do the same.”

Alongside traffic worries and concerns over waste removal, residents fear the initial 23 homes could lead to a larger scheme.

The application will go before Wiltshire Council in June.

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