SSFC updates rules for student group event postings

The University of Wisconsin student government’s fee allocation committee approved a final motion for the Multicultural Student Coalition in its final meeting of the year Monday evening.

SSFC unanimously approved the Multicultural Student Coalition co-sponsorship form. The decision was not debated, and the committee voted after a brief summary of the situation.

Neibart said she emailed Wunk Sheek about the missing form and the group replied that there was someone in charge of filling out the form and turning it in, but it was misplaced.

SSFC also approved a motion for General Student Services Fund organizations to maintain a Google calendar.

GSSF group events, meetings and direct services are to be listed in the Google calendar within five business days prior to the event.

“The posting on the calendar five days prior ensures that the organization has enough time to make changes,” Vice Chair Chase Wilson said. “Also, if a student misses an event they will be able to plan for the next.”

The GSSF organizations will be notified during their GSSF statement signing. One member of the group who signed the statement also goes through a signer training.

They will also receive a GSSF manual to be used as an operating guide, according to Wilson.

“It’s important because it provides advertising for the groups and students who want to get involved,” Wilson said. “It’s also important in order for the accountability liaisons to do their job efficiently.”

Another motion for accountability liaison job descriptions, Wilson said, was to observe the SSFC and GSSF organization events and provide feedback and helpful advice for improvement.

SSFC Rep. David Vines brought up concerns about direct services being listed on the calendar. A direct service, as defined by Wilson, is a one-on-one meeting with a student and a member of the organization.

Another concern was that GSSF organizations could have last minute or closed leadership meetings and it may not be valuable to post these on the calendar. Wilson said it would be beneficial so students know when it would be the appropriate time to show up at the organizations’ office.

The final concern raised about the statement of agreement for GSSF groups was whether to give the exemption to organizations with late posting of events, with the committee deciding not to unilaterally give exemptions to organizations in violation.