Hanover-Horton schools to create link on website listing homes for sale – The Jackson Citizen Patriot

By Maria Servold

HANOVER — The Hanover-Horton School Board voted unanimously Monday night to create a link on its website that will list all homes for sale in the district.

Stephanie Bosanac, a real estate agent and graduate of Hanover-Horton schools, presented the idea to the board and said many people moving to Jackson County choose a home based on what school district it’s in.

The link on the district’s website would pull up a listing of all homes for sale in the district under any real estate agent or company and wouldn’t cost the district anything to create or maintain.

In 2011, 81 homes sold in Hanover-Horton’s school district, Bosanac said. Right now, there are 82 homes for sale in the district.

“This really simplifies the search process for buyers,” Superintendent Linda Brian said. “We’re doing everything we can to attract people to our district.”

Brian said she thought the link, which would lead to a list not controlled by the district, is an equitable idea because it would list any home for sale, no matter what company listed it.

Later, the board debated a proposal to change its members terms from four years to six years, but tabled the idea until its April meeting.

Also Monday, the board approved a 24-7 smoking ban on district property, heard a presentation from the Jackson County Intermediate School District about its budget, and approved a measure that will refinance a 2002 bond at a lower interest rate.