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Schneider Electric started off at Rs 65 on the BSE
Schneider Electric Infrastructure (SEIL) got listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange today. The company’s stock started off at Rs 65 on the BSE and Rs 64 on the NSE.
The issued, subscribed and paid-up equity capital of the company post arrangement is Rs 47.82 crore consisting of 23,91,04,035 equity shares of Rs 2 each.
Schneider Electric is the global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries.
Here are the other details Schneider Electric (Scheme of Arrangement):
– Alstom and Schneider had jointly bid for TD business of Areva SA (Parent Co)
– In 2010 the consortium completed the acquisition
– Transmission business was taken over by Alstom
– Schneider took over the distribution business of Areva
– Areva TD India was the Indian arm of the TD business
– Indian business was also part of the global transaction
– Areva TD recently changed its name to Alstom TD
– Schneider electric to manage the distribution business in India
– Schneider Electric was earlier called Smartgrid Automation