Three hundred-eleven firms listing on The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the Market Alternative Investment (mai) announced 2011 dividend payment of a combined THB 326.11 billion (approx. USD 10.62 billion) — up 7 percent from a year earlier, making the third straight year of record high dividend payments.
“The impressive amounts reflected their continuously growing performances, although businesses faced rising costs and were severely affected from the floods last year. This also indicated the strength of the companies’ cash flows. The sectors generating rising dividends in 2011 are Information Communication Technology, Energy Utilities, Petrochemicals and Chemicals, Banking, Construction Materials, Food and Beverage, and Professional Services,” said SET’s Executive Vice President Chanitr Charnchainarong.
As of March 8, 2012, the 311 companies paying dividends included 270 SET-listed firms with dividend payment worth THB 324.31 billion and 41 mai-listed firms with dividends worth THB 1.80 billion. These payouts generated a 2011 dividend yield of 3.87 percent and payout ratio of 53.42 percent. In addition, 24 firms gave stock dividends worth a total THB 35.74 billion.
Constituents in the SET High Dividend 30 Index (SETHD) paid 2011 dividends worth THB 137.35 billion, giving a 5.02 percent dividend yield and 58.28 percent payout ratio.
The SET-listed firms which paid the highest dividends, in descending order, are Total Access Communication pcl (DTAC), PTT pcl (PTT), Advanced Info Service pcl (ADVANC), PTT Exploration and Production pcl (PTTEP), and Shin Corporation pcl (INTUCH), representing 43.16 percent of SET’s total dividends, by value.
The mai-listed firms which paid the highest dividends, in descending order, are: Goldfine Manufacturers pcl (GFM), Unimit Engineering pcl (UEC), Tirathai pcl (TRT), Kiattana Transport pcl (KIAT), Jubilee Enterprise pcl (JUBILE). Their total dividends accounted for 31.46 percent of mai’s total dividends.
By sector, the top five dividend payments were to be found, in descending order by valuation, in the Information Communication Technology, Energy Utilities, Banking, Construction Materials, and Petrochemicals and Chemicals sectors.
There are more listed companies considering paying 2011 dividends. For more information, please visit or S-E-T Call Center 0 22229 2222.