A mansion tax would affect tourism by targeting owners of historic homes

SIR – Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, has various proposals for a
“tycoon tax” (report, March 10). This is flawed on many levels, not least
because, if introduced, his targets will simply leave.

Those with the resources to pay an “army of lawyers and accountants” also have
the resources to move to a jurisdiction that doesn’t operate such a
mechanism for revenue collection.

What Mr Clegg knows, but chooses to ignore, is that his targets already use
private health care and education, and pay huge amounts of VAT on their
consumption of all things material. The richest people in society are
significant contributors, whatever the top rate of tax.

Andrew Mason

SIR – My wife and I bought our property 33 years ago for £38,000 and now
it could be worth in the region of £900,000. Most of this rise is due to

During my working life, I paid income tax and saved for a pension which is
also taxed. I pay tax on my petrol and 20 per cent VAT on almost everything
I buy except food.

When I die, the property will be part of my estate and will, after
allowances, attract inheritance tax. A mansion tax? How much more tax am I
expected to pay?

Duncan Rayner
Sunningdale, Berkshire

SIR – Have Nick Clegg and Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, thought through the
proposed mansion tax?

Surely many properties subject to such a blight would plunge in price if their
owners were to attempt to sell them, thus reducing the value of the
properties beneath the threshold of the tax?

Sean Putnam
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

Cost of low carbon

SIR – Energy prices are consumers’ number one financial concern. Which?
believes that the Treasury’s Carbon Price Floor, which will begin to hit
domestic bills from April 2013, will become another burden on already
squeezed household incomes without achieving its aim of encouraging
significant new investment in “greener” electricity.

The Government’s own figures estimate this new tax will add around 1 to 2 per
cent to electricity bills in 2013, rising to between 1 and 6 per cent by
2016. We estimate that in the first year alone this could add £278 million
to household electricity bills.

We do not question the need for the UK to work towards a more sustainable mix
of energy generation in the future. Nor are we opposed to carbon-pricing in
principle, though we believe this would be more effectively pursued by
strengthening the EU Emissions Trading Scheme.

Our principal concern is that this tax will fail to provide certainty and
confidence for long-term investors in low-carbon power generation because it
is subject to annual review at the Budget. It is unclear why the Government
sees the Carbon Price Floor as necessary when other Energy Department
policies already in the pipeline, such as Contracts for Difference, are
intended to do just this.

People are already struggling to manage their energy bills. It is unacceptable
for the Government to pile yet more pressure on household budgets. A
decision by the Chancellor to abandon this unnecessary measure in the
forthcoming Budget would send a clear signal that consumers are at the heart
of the Government’s energy policy without having a detrimental impact on
investment in future low-carbon generation.

It is in all of our interests to tackle climate change, but the Government
cannot write a blank cheque on behalf of consumers to pay for it.

Richard Lloyd
Executive Director, Which?

Open for shopping

SIR – Why do shop owners leave their doors open? Do they think that otherwise
the public will be unaware that they are open for business, or that we are
unable to operate a simple door?

I recently saw a sales assistant who had to wear the skiing jackets he was
selling, just to keep warm. In a time of spiralling energy costs and
environmental problems, closing the door might make sense.

Paul Souter

Fairness for Falklands

SIR – I sympathise with Denis Jukes (Letters, March 3) and his dilemma over
whether to drink Argentine Mendoza Malbec. However, there are some voices
emerging from Buenos Aires that seek to apply intellectual rigour to the
debate over the future of the Falklands, not to mention a sprinkling of
common sense.

The distinguished historian Luis Alberto Romero recently dared to question the
assumption of Argentine sovereignty over the Falklands in an article in
Argentina’s La Nación newspaper.

His application of the principle of self-determination is anathema to most
Argentines who have been led to believe that the islands’ population has
somehow been “transplanted” there. Most critically, he concedes that “it is
difficult to think of a solution [to the Falklands question] which is not
based on the will of its inhabitants, who have lived there for almost two

The Argentine Republic is suffering from a profoundly debilitating nationalism
rather than promoting a healthy and proud patriotism, and I fear they will
all suffer for it in the long run.

Dominic Pike

SIR – Last week, my wife and I returned from a holiday in Argentina. We
travelled extensively through the North and Buenos Aires, and once it became
known we were British we were welcomed with smiles and handshakes. Indeed,
when we were stuck for change in a cake shop in Buenos Aires, a gentleman
insisted on paying for our cakes, saying: “It is an honour to help our
English friends.”

One or two people did mention the conflict, but only in the context of
sabre-rattling by an unpopular government trying to deflect attention from
more pressing matters – inflation is 20 per cent and rising.

Jonathan L Kelly
Yatton, Somerset

Stop the staycations

SIR – The Holidays at Home campaign, encouraging families to stay in Britain
(report, March 8), is symptomatic of a lack of joined-up thinking by the
Government in its transport and tourism policy.

Despite the public deficit, overseas aid to developing countries remains a
Coalition priority. Many of these same countries rely on tourism. By seeking
to reduce the number of British people taking overseas holidays, we are
depriving these economies of much-needed tourism revenue.

If other countries followed our example, fewer tourists would visit Britain
and the multi-million pound advertising campaign would have been wasted.

Simon Buck
Chief Executive, British Air Transport Association
London SW1

Road-rage recovery

SIR – I am currently recovering from carpal tunnel surgery on my hand. The
patient information sheet states: “You should not drive until you are able
to make a firm fist.”

Now what might that be for I wonder?

Garry Norman
Bristol, Somerset

Spring is humming

SIR – Am I alone in thinking that it is the hum of the lawnmower motor, and
not the call of the cuckoo, that now heralds the onset of spring?

Trevor Longcroft
Wimborne, Dorset

Unusual pet names can be music to the ears

SIR – Further to your report on popular names for dogs (March 8), over the
past 40 years our flat-coated retrievers have reflected an orchestral theme.
Trumpet, Bassoon, Flute and Bagpipes have all been treasured members of the
family. Maracas currently continues the tradition, and we will soon be
joined by Glockenspiel and Synthesiser.

We did experiment with cats, but Piccolo once tried to explore the washing
machine and expired in a spin cycle.

Richard Cousens
Monkton Deverill, Wiltshire

SIR – Max Craven (Letters, March 10) is concerned so many dogs are called Max.
I took it as a great compliment when one of my sailors named his dog Watson,
and he never kicked it in my sight.

Chris Watson
Carlton River, Tasmania, Australia

SIR – We had a delightful Jack Russell called Winnie. She would rush out and
bark a loud welcome to anyone who arrived. One evening, as it was getting
dark, and having also become foggy, some elderly ladies, who were unknown to
me, arrived at the house for a meeting.

As a pair tottered down the path, Winnie rushed out to impart her usual
welcome. I stuck my head out of the door, and shouted into the darkening
fog: “Winnie, come here at once you terrible girl!”

One of the ladies came to abrupt halt. Her friend reassured her: “It’s OK,
Winifred, he was shouting at the dog.”

Pete Kyle
Letcombe Regis, Oxfordshire

SIR – A couple we know named their dog Butler – as every house should have one.

Jennifer Marston
Petersfield, Hampshire