Events Near Improves Social Distribution Features

Events Near today announced an extra social automation component to its free service that helps event marketers gain increased reach.


Events Near today announced an extra social automation component to its free service that helps event marketers gain increased reach and distribution of their events.

An Events Near spokesman said:

We are pretty excited by the additions we’ve added. We want people to gain maximum exposure for events they add with us. We already enable for bidirectional Twitter exposure, but wanted to improve aspects for user submissions.

The web is a crowded space with a lot of competition for attention. We are working hard to help users get eyeballs so have taken great pains to ensure that events listed are optimised towards the types of things their visitors or attendees might be interested in. Where possible, we then use these to distribute to places like Face and Twitter to help people gain attention

The company offers various incentives for user interaction, enabling people to build internal networks that build on and enhance existing user social networks.

The Events Near spokesman continued:

People like to put a face to who they are dealing with. We’d like to reach a position whereby people could network more effectively onsite and build little promotional alliances onsite through the related actions of others. It’ll take time, but we’ll get there.

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