TV twins found dead listed each other as next of kin

Medical examiners were performing tests to determine an exact time of death.

Detectives have combed through pictures and documents trying to find a relative to notify. They found a photo of the twins as young girls sitting on Bing Crosby’s lap and another of the pair in tap shoes.

Investigators learned that the sisters appeared regularly on the weekly television musical show “The Hoffman Hayride” in the 1950s and that they entertained troops at several military bases.


TV twins found dead ‘inseparable,’ kept to themselves

TV twins had been dead for some time before being found

Reclusive TV twins didn’t seem to ‘need anybody,’ friend says

—  Shelby Grad

Photo: An undated photo provided by the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department shows twin sisters Patricia and Joan Miller. It is unknown which sister is which. Credit: El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department


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