Student news
Alivia J. Erickson of Homer made the academic deans list at Azusa Pacific University. She is honored for a fall semester 2011 academic standing of 3.5 or better grade-point average. Erickson is a nursing major.
Ashley Ketelle of Homer has been listed on the 2011 fall semester deans list at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Wash. The deans list recognizes outstanding achievement and requires a minimum grade-point average of 3.5 for the term. Ketelle is majoring in nursing.
Kenai Peninsula Borough SChool District
March 9: Inservice; no classes.
March 12-16: Spring break.
March 12-16: Homer Connections office closed for spring break.
April 24: Grades 7-10 participate in a six-hour oceanography field trip on Kachemak Bay aboard the Rainbow Connection. The trip is sponsored by the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies. Pre-registration is required and now open.
McNeil Canyon Elementary School
March 8: Site council, 3 p.m.
March 8: Learning lab.
March 8: Movie night, 6:30 p.m.
March 19: After-school skiing.
March 19-23: Swim lessons, grades 2-3.
student opportunities
American Legion Auxiliary Girls State and American Legion Boys State
Applications for Girls State and Boys State (one-week, hands-on government leadership camp for high school juniors) should be given to school counselors by April 4. Interviews will be held in mid April. The Leadership Camp for Girls State is June 10-16; Boys State is the first week in June. All fees are paid by the Legion and Auxiliary. Check for applications for scholarships and Girls and Boys State at Homer Highs counselor office, Connections, Flex School, schools across the bay and at American Legion Post 16. Contact Darlene, 235-6789, or the post at 235-8864 for more information and/or applications. Several of these scholarships have a $500 (Homer winner) award.
Youth Rally
Homer Electric Association is offering scholarships to the annual Youth Rally in Caldwell, Idaho. High school sophomores and juniors are eligible for an all-expense paid week, July 9-14, to enhance leadership skills, learn about cooperatives and participate in trust and team-building exercises. Applications are available at Deadline for entries is April 2.
Student scholarships available
The Alaska State Fair is currently accepting applications for its 2012 scholarships. All Alaska junior and senior high school students planning to attend college or vocational school are eligible to apply. Applications should be mailed or hand-delivered to the Alaska State Fair, 2075 Glenn Highway, Palmer, Alaska 99645, and must be received by 4 p.m. April 20. This years awards will include $2,000 for first place, $1,500 for second place, $1,000 for third place and four $500 honorable mention scholarships. The recipients will be announced May 1. For more information, visit
The following scholarships are made available by the American Legion Auxiliary to high school seniors and people going back to school: The Homer American Legion Auxiliary Scholarships, $500, for B- or C-student high school seniors, deadline is April 12;
The Homer Foundation has announced that applications are available for 2012 scholarships: The Alain and Daniel Rieser Scholarship for foreign language study/travel; Homer Community Science Scholarship supporting post-secondary education in the life sciences; Health Care Providers Scholarship supporting students serious in pursuing a career in health care; Drew Scalzi Memorial Maritime Scholarship supporting students of fishing families and/or students wishing to pursue a career in Alaskas maritime industry; Diane Wambach Shoot for the Stars Scholarship supporting education and training for young people with a plan to pursue their dreams; Kachemak Bay Medical Clinic Scholarship supporting students with outstanding academic achievements and a strong work ethic; Beluga Tail / Tale Writing Scholarships that provide awards in both creative and nonfiction writing. Applications may be requested via mail, phone or email, picked up at the Homer Foundation or Homer High School counselors office or downloaded from the foundations website at, click on forms. The deadline for all applications is 4 p.m. April 19.
The Kachemak Board of Realtors will be awarding three $750 scholarships to graduating seniors with plans to pursue career training in a vocational/technical field or a college degree. See school counselor for application details or call Gina Pelaia at 235-6183 or 399-6183. Deadline for applying is April 15.
KBEA, the Kenai Borough Employees Association, scholarship committee is currently accepting applications for three scholarships of $500 each. The scholarships are available to all 2012 graduates of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, including public schools, private schools and home schools. Applications and instructions are available from any borough high school counselors office or on the web, Applications must be delivered or postmarked by March 30. Applications can be mailed or dropped off at the Kenai Peninsula Borough, KBEA Scholarship Committee, 144 N. Binkley St., Soldotna, AK 99669.
The Kachemak Bay Chapter of Alaska State Employees Association is offering a scholarship in the amount of $500 to a graduating senior from the Kachemak Bay area. The deadline for submitting the application is April 20. For more information or scholarship applications, contact Carla Milburn or Marnee Beverage at 235-8191.