Akamanzi Listed Among 2012 Global Young Leaders

Clare Akamanzi, the Chief Operating Officer of Rwanda Development Board, RDB, was yesterday honoured among 192 global young leaders from 59 countries for their outstanding leadership, professional accomplishments and commitment to society.

Prominent on the list are politicians and economists, academia, media, non-profit organisations, arts and culture, from all regions of the world.

The announcement was made by the World Economic Forum, a Swiss non-profit foundation based in Cologny, Geneva.

It is an independent international organisation committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academia and other leaders to shape global, regional and industry agenda.

The leaders are from East Asia (38), South Asia (19), Europe (46), Middle East and North Africa (15), sub-Saharan Africa (18), North America (37) and Latin America (19).

Akamanzi emerged as the only young leader from Rwanda for her professional accomplishments, commitment to society and potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world.

Reacting on her recognition, Akamanzi told The New Times yesterday that she was honoured and humbled by it.

“I thank our President and Government for giving young people like myself an opportunity to participate in building our country. Without this confidence, I would not have been able to do anything,” she said.

“And so the honour is to our leadership, and all of us in Rwanda that are continuously working to make our country better. I also thank the World Economic Forum for the recognition and for extending their search to Rwanda for the first time.”

Among the most prominent personalities that received the honours last year included British Prime Minister David Cameron, Larry Page, Co-Founder and CEO of Google and Zhang Xin, the CEO, SOHO China among others.

Drawn from a pool of several thousand candidates, the 2012 Young Global Leaders were chosen by a selection committee, chaired by Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan and they comprise respected international leaders from business, government and media.

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum said that the Young Global Leaders represent the voice for the future and the hopes of the next generation.

“I am particularly proud of this year’s honourees, who I believe will address the challenges we face in a meaningful way through fresh thinking and true multi-stakeholder engagement,” he noted.

“In the last few years, the world has seen the biggest recession in almost a century and we now face daunting global challenges,” he added.

Before the creation of RDB, Akamanzi worked as the deputy director of the then Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency (RIEPA).