Upcoming Trade and Environment Events

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Coming up in the next two weeks (5-19 March)

5-6 March, London, UK. INNOVATION 2012: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND COMPETITIVENESS. Held at the Chatham House in London, the Innovation 2012 conference will discuss the expectations and political constraints placed upon science and technology’s contribution to global prosperity. It will examine the circumstances under which curiosity-driven innovation flourishes and assess what systems and networks need to be in place to optimise its opportunities. Some of the topics that will be discussed at the conference include: using scientific innovation to address global challenges and generate prosperity; how technological advances may disrupt current economic and social models; public or private access to scientific data; and much more. The conference will include five informative and discussion-based sessions and feature a range of speakers to provide various perspectives on scientific and technological innovation. For more information on this conference, please visit the event’s website.

5- 7 March 2012, New York, US. THIRD INTERSESSIONAL MEETING FOR UNCSD.  This meeting, organised by the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, will be the final intersessional meeting in the lead-up to the 20-22 June Rio+20 conference. Information can be accessed on the Rio+20 website.

5-9 March, Asunción, Paraguay. 27TH SESSION OF THE LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN FORESTRY COMMISSION (LACFC). Sponsored by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) regional forestry commission serving Latin America and the Caribbean, this biennial meeting aims to review and co-ordinate the application of forestry policies in the region and facilitate the exchange of information among officials from LAC countries responsible for the sector. The LACFC focuses on the sustainable management of forests and wildlife, and the relationship between forests and climate change. Its mandate is based on national and regional priorities and seeks to advise FAO on the forestry programme to be developed in the region. For more information on this meeting, please visit the event’s website.

7 March, Geneva, Switzerland. PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR UNCTAD XIII: HEARING WITH CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Held at the United Nations in Geneva, this event aims to provide an opportunity for dialogue and an exchange of views among representatives of UNCTAD member states and non-state actors on issues relevant to the theme and sub-themes of UNCTAD XIII. UNCTAD member states, organisations having observer status with UNCTAD, and those accredited to UNCTAD XIII and its preparatory process are encouraged to participate. For more information, visit the event’s website.

9 March, New York, US. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE: PRIORITIES FOR THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. The purpose of this roundtable seminar is to provide policy recommendations – based on new research at the World Bank and other institutions – on how LDCs can overcome economic vulnerabilities and better manage risks in order to achieve sustained, equitable, and inclusive economic growth. As economic growth is one of the principal objectives of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries (IPoA), the roundtable aims to identify strategies on how the actions agreed upon in the IPoA can be implemented. This event is jointly sponsored by the World Bank, Development Research Group, International Trade and Integration Unit, UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), and Columbia University, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Study Center. For more details about this event, please click here.

12-16 March, Marseille, France. SIXTH WORLD WATER FORUM-PARTNERSHIP FOR STRENGTHENING WATER SECURITY IN AFRICA. The African Development Bank (AfDB), in collaboration with the African Union (AU), the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) and the Government of France, is hosting this conference in the context of the 6th World Water Forum, to discuss ways to accelerate water sector development in Africa. The conference is expected to bring together African finance and water ministers, development partners and others to exchange information and share experiences on progress and strategies to accelerate implementation of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. It is also an opportunity to reaffirm commitments to building water infrastructure on the continent and prioritizing basic water and sanitation provision. More information can be found on the AfDB website.

15-20 March, Geneva, Switzerland. CITES ANIMAL COMMITTEE 26. The 26th meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Animals Committee will address a number of agenda items, including sharks, snakes, sturgeons, corals, and listing criteria for commercially exploited aquatic species. It will convene immediately prior to the joint meeting of the Animals and Plants Committees, which will take place from 22-24 March in Dublin, Ireland. More information can be found on the organization’s website.

16 March, Geneva, Switzerland. WORKSHOP ON CLIMATE CHANGE REPORTING. Held at the United Nations, this event is jointly sponsored by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB), and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The objective of this event is to take stock of current corporate climate change reporting frameworks and assess the benefits of greater consistency of approach to the demand for, and supply of, corporate climate change-related information. The workshop will focus on providing information, evidence, and resources to support greater understanding of the policies, initiatives, and practices that currently lead to the demand for and supply of climate change-related information. For more details, please visit the event’s website.

Other Upcoming Events

29-30 March, Paris, France. OECD MEETING OF THE ENVIRONMENT POLICY AT MINISTERIAL LEVEL. OECD Environment Ministers will meet on 29-30 March 2012 in Paris under the theme “Making Green Growth Deliver.” They will review the implementation of the OECD Environmental Strategy for the First Decade of the 21st Century that they adopted in 2001. They will also discuss future priorities for action based on the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050: The Consequences of Inaction, which makes a strong case for green growth policies. Ministers are expected to adopt a policy statement as input to Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. More information can be found here.

17-18 April, Copenhagen, Denmark. 6TH EUROPEAN ORGANIC CONGRESS. Over the year 2012, far reaching decisions will be made to shape European food systems for the future: European Parliament and Council of Ministers will discuss the Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020, based upon proposals made by the Commission in October 2011. Challenges to our future food supply such as climate change, increasing scarcity of natural resources and socio-economic shifts in rural areas demand progressive change in policies and farm practice. Organic farming as a knowledge based, innovative system approach to sustainability and quality food production with EU wide certification in place offers opportunities to meeting a broad range of these challenges and the economic strengthening of High Nature Value farms can ensure the enhancement of biodiversity and contribute to the viability of rural societies; both farm systems should be in the focus of the new policies. The 6th European Organic Congress “Smart change – towards a sustainable CAP” addresses the policy change needed to come to a greener, smarter, fairer CAP for the future. More information can be found here.

13-18 May, Dublin, Ireland. CONGRESS ON WATER, CLIMATE AND ENERGY. The Congress will explore the topics of resilient and sustainable cities with a focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation. The challenges of climate change adaptation and incorporating uncertainty into the city vision and infrastructure will be discussed together with the impacts and responses of climate change on water resources. Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, operating in a carbon constrained world and a focus on renewable energy including practical applications and integration in to the energy mix will be covered. More information can be found at the event’s website.

4-8 June, Manila, Philippines. ASIA CLEAN ENERGY FORUM 2012. The 7th Asia Clean Energy Forum, to be held from 4-8 June 2012 at the ADB Headquarters in Manila, will highlight successful strategies and mechanisms for accelerating access to affordable, low-carbon energy.  Participants from Asia and around the world will share practical knowledge about what works in the key areas of energy access, clean energy technology, policy and regulation, and finance and how the stakeholders can work together to accelerate low carbon energy in the region. More information can be found at the conference’s website.

8-12 July, Istanbul, Turkey. GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL WARMING 2012. This conference, organised by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Istanbul Technical University, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers and others, will include plenary sessions, keynote lectures, and several specialised sessions on different topics related to global warming and potential solutions. Organisers say industry participation is very welcome, and hope that the conference will lead to effective and fruitful communication between the research, government and industrial communities. More information can be found here.

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