Get listed. At least two Fridays prior to the event, send event name, activity, date, time, location, fee and phone number to
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or Post-Gazette, Outdoors Events, 34 Blvd. of the Allies, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222.
For a complete listing, go to
Saturdays. Family Nature Hour. Powdermill Nature Reserve, Rector. Nature stories, outdoor exploration of trails. Free, 1 p.m. 724-593-6105,
Feb. 19 Soup of the Month Hike. Schenley Park. Easy 3-4 miles, then choice of soups, hot beverages. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $16, $12 Venture Outdoors member, $8 kids. 412-255-0564.
Feb. 21 New Moon Hike. Riverview Park. Moderate 4-5 miles at night. 7-9:30 p.m. $8, $5 Venture Outdoors member. 412-255-0564.
March 1 Urban Fitness Hike. South Side. Advanced 6-mile hike includes steep hills. 6-9 p.m. $10, $6 Venture Outdoors member. 412-255-0564.
March 3 Allegheny Cemetery Walk. Allegheny Cemetary. Easy walk through historic cemetary. 9 a.m.-noon. $12, $8 Venture Outdoors member, $6 kids. 412-255-0564.
March 3 Maple Syrup Hike Bradys Run Park. Moderate 1.75-mile hike, assist in mapling process, taste muffins, syrup and cocoa. For ages 12 plus. $15, $10 Venture Outdoors member, $8 kids. 412-255-0564.
Sundays through March Allen’s Ride C. Immel’s Bicycle Shop, Rte. 8, Gibsonia. Meets 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Class C rides. Varies in length and starting times. Call 724-443-6340, 724-443-2927.
March 3 Race to Anyplace. Slippery Rock University, Aebersold Recreation Center. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Six-hour stationary bike race. Benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Chapter.
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March 31 Start and Finish: 215 Lindenwood Drive. Utilitarian and state roads with traffic. 6:45 a.m. inspection, sign in. 412-580-8575.
Daily. Outdoor birding walk. National Aviary. Meets 10:30 a.m. at Atrium. 412-559-3519.
Feb. 19 Hearts and Flyers: A Look at Bird Courtship. National Aviary. Lecture on diversity of courtship behaviors exhibited by birds. 3:30 p.m. 412-258-9435,
March 3 Photo Safari. National Aviary. Photograph birds in the Tropical Rainforest exhibit. 9-10 a.m. $25, $20 members. Fee includes general admission. Pre-register:412-323-7235,
March 9 Flight of the Timberdoodle. Jennings Enivronmental Education Center, Slippery Rock. Observe unusual courtship ritual of the American woodcock, 6-8 p.m. 724-794-6011.
March 11 Get All Your Ducks in a Row. National Aviary. Discussion of waterfowl migration and identification. 3:30 p.m. 412-258-9435,
Feb. 25 Spring Thaw Race. North Park Rose Barn/Boathouse. Run 20, 15, or 10 miles. Post-race soup Buffet, pizza, hot chocolate. 10 a.m. 412-490-0881,
Feb. 26 Intro to Kayaking. Sarah Heinz House, North Side. Easy indoor course. 2-5 p.m. $24, $18 Venture Outdoors member. 412-255-0564.
March 10 Polar Bear Float. Cook Forest State Park. Kayak trip on the National Wild and Scenic Clarion River. Register by March 3, $25 per boat. Meets 9 a.m. 814-744-8407.
Through Feb. Snowshoe and Trekking Ski Rental. Jennings Environmental Education Center, Slippery Rock. Limited number of snowshoe, trekking skis available for use within park. Free. Mon. thru Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 724-794-6011.
Tuesdays Tube-A-Palooza Party. Seven Springs Mountain Resort. Snow tubing, pizza, hot chocolate, bonfire. $22, 6-10 p.m. 800-452-2223, ext. 7625.
Feb. 25 Snowshoeing. Bear Run Nature Reserve. Physical fitness required, fee includes rental. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. $27, $20 Venture Outdoors member. 412-255-0564.
Feb. Winter Tree ID Walk. Frick Park. Basic tree identification in winter. 1-3 p.m. $10, $6 Venture Outdoors member. 412-255-0564.
March 24 Growing Up Wild Workshop. Keystone State Park, Derry. Workshop based on early childhood education activity guide. 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 724-668-2566,
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March 24 Maple Sugaring Day for Scouts. Jennings Environmental Education Center, Slippery Rock. Demos, guided hike for Scouts age 7-11.$2, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. 724-794-2682.
March 16-18 Wellness Weekend. Cook Forest State Park. Two nights in suite, healthy meals, outdoor recreation. Gateway Lodge, $299. 800-843-6862.
March 25 Raccoongaine. Raccoon Creek State Park, Hookstown. Navigation challenge using topographic map, compass.10 a.m.
April 25-27 PA Wilds Planning Team Conference. Red Fern, St. Mary’s. Conference on conservation, economic development. 814-274-4877,
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Through March Youth Conservation and Fly Fishing Program. Loyalhanna Watershed Office, Ligonier. Children ages 12-16 learn stream ecology, trout behavior, casting, fishing techniques, knot tying. $20, includes equipment. Register:, 724-238-3290.
Through Feb. Fly Tying Demos. International Angler, Robinson. Feb. 25 extended body flies. Free, 10 a.m. 412-788-8088.
Tuesdays through Feb. 21 Beginner Fly Tying School. International Angler, Robinson. BYO vice, tools. $75, 6 p.m. 412-788-8088.
Wednesdays through March Fly Time. South Hills Assembly, Bethel Park. 7-8:30 p.m. Tying flies for steelhead, trout, bass. $10, eight weeks of instruction. BYO tools. 412.999.1781,
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Wednesdays through Feb. 22. Youth Fly Tying Class. LL Bean, Ross Park Mall. Life cycle of aquatic insects, tying techniques to imitate stages. Free, 7-8:30 p.m. Ages 10-16. Materials provided.
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Wednesdays through April 25. Family Tyes. Harrison Middle School, Baldwin. Fly tying for students, families. 7:15-9 p.m. BYO materials or purchase at class., 412-780-3787.
Thursdays through Feb. 9 Beginning Fly Tying Class. LL Bean, Ross Park Mall. Life cycle of aquatic insects, tying techniques to imitate stages. Free, 7-8:30 p.m. Materials provided.
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Saturdays through Feb. 25 Fly Tying for Beginners. Trinity United Methodist Church, Indiana. $20 ages 17 and over; free ages 12-16. 10 a.m. Register: 724-463-2011.
Feb. 13 Penn’s Woods West Trout Unlimited Monthly Meeting. Brentwood VFW. Fishing Maryland’s North Branch of the Potomac River. 7 p.m.
Feb. 15 Forbes Trail Trout Unlimited Monthly Meeting. Winnie Palmer Nature Center, Latrobe. Leader tying seminar. 7 p.m.
Feb. 17 through March 15. Beginning Fly Tying Class. LL Bean, Ross Park Mall. Free, 7-8:30 p.m.
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Feb. 20 Upper St. Clair Fly Fishing Club Monthly Meeting. Recreation Center Building, Upper St. Clair. Fly fishing in Northern Maryland, trout fishing on the Potomac River. 7-9 p.m.
March 3 Forbes Trail Trout Unlimited Banquet. American Legion Post 515, Latrobe. Family-friendly banquet, prizes. $25. Tickets: 724-238-4900, 724-537-0683.
March 3 Pre-Season Trout Stocking. Neshannock Creek Fly Shop, Volant. Volunteer Firefighters pancake breakfast. 12 p.m. 724-533-3212,
March 10 Lunker Trout Stocking Celebration. Neshannock Creek Fly Shop, Volant. Lunkers are 12-16+ inches, 3 to 5+ pounds. 1 p.m. 724-533-3212,
Feb. 18 Women in the Outdoors. Chapman State Park, Clarendon. Classes on ice fishing, turkey hunting, winter birding, geocaching, snowmobiling. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 814-450-1614,
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Feb. 18 Sporting Clays Fun Shoot. Sandy Creek Conservancy, Franklin. Sponsored by Allegheny Northwoods Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society. $50, incl. 100 targets, lunch, 8:30 a.m. 814-226-5574,
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Feb. 24 NWTF Steel City Spurs. Alpine Hunting and Fishing Club, Bridgeville. Dinner 7:30 p.m. $20-plus. 412-221-0515.
March 17 Sportsmen’s Banquet. Allegheny Northwoods, Ruffed Grouse Society fundraiser, Sandy Creek Fire Hall, Franklin. Dinner 7:30 p.m. 814-226-5574.
March 20 Women in the Outdoors. Cabela’s, Hamburg. Classes on gun maintenance, emergency survival, self-defense, cast iron cooking, archery, handgun safety. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. $50, $15 National Wild Turkey Federation members.
For a more complete shoots listing, visit
ALIQUIPPA BUCKTAILS Skeet and trap, Wed. 6 p.m.; Fri. 5 p.m. 724-378-1450,
ALLEGHENY COUNTRY RIFLE Sat., Sun. ATA registered trap, 10 a.m. 412-821-9828.
ALL SEASONS TRAP AND SKEET Wed. open shoot 5 p.m. 814-590-3777.
CALIFORNIA HILL Sun. 9 a.m. sporting clays, five-stand. 724-938-3480.
CANONSBURG SPORTSMEN Open trap Wed. 6 p.m., and third Sun. noon. 724-745-4507.
CARRICK SPORTSMEN Trap Sun. 1 p.m. Junior rifle, trap, personal protection, firearms safety, hunter safety courses. 724-348-5354,
CLAIRTON SPORTSMEN Muzzleloader shoot, first Sun. 11 a.m.
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CLAYBUSTERS Sporting clays, five stand, skeet, trap Sun. 9 a.m. Thu. 1 p.m. 814-437-3252.
CORAOPOLIS SPORTSMEN Sun. 4:30 p.m. Junior Olympic archery. Tue. 7 p.m. indoor archery. Wed. 7 p.m. informal combat. 412-264-9920.
CROWFOOT ROD GUN Tue., Fri., Sun. 7 p.m. trap. 724-327-9315.
DORMONT-MT. LEBANON SPORTSMEN Third Sun. 11 a.m. civilian marksmanship program. Mon. 6 p.m. outdoor pistol, NMC, MPRL. Tue. 7-10 p.m. trap. 412-531-5043,
ELRAMA SPORTSMEN Mon. 6 p.m. trap. 412-384-8896.
FORD CITY SPORTSMEN Wed. 6 p.m. skeet. Fri. 6 p.m. trap. 724-763-3136.
FOREST GROVE SPORTSMEN Mon. 6 p.m. trap. Thu. 4 p.m. combat pistol. Third Wed. 7 p.m. membership meeting. Third Sun. 12 p.m. muzzleloader. 412-269-0942.
LAWRENCE COUNTY SPORTSMEN Wed. 5 p.m. trap, skeet. Thu. 5 p.m. 5-stand. Sun. 9:30 a.m. sporting clays, 5 stand. 724-652-1075.
LIBRARY SPORTSMEN Thu. 6 p.m. trap, skeet. 412-835-9812,
LOGANS FERRY SPORTSMEN NRA basic pistol. 724-339-5550.
LONG BRANCH SPORTSMEN Tue. 7 p.m. indoor NRA 50-foot small-bore pistol league. 724-925-2919,
McDONALD SPORTSMEN Thu. 7 p.m. trap, skeet. 724-796-2271,
McKEESPORT SPORTSMEN Tue., Thu., Sat. 10 a.m. skeet. Next to last Sat. 9 a.m. cast bullet matches. 412-271-2144.
MILLVALE SPORTSMEN Wed. 6 p.m. evening leagues, practice. Sat. 9 a.m. registered targets. 724-935-9963,
NORTH BUFFALO SPORTSMEN Second Sun. action pistol, rifle. Third Sun. hunter trail shoot. Last Sat., Sun. 3-D archery. 724-353-2444.
NORTH SIDE SPORTSMEN Wed. 6 p.m. trap, skeet. Sun. 11 a.m. trap, skeet. 724-935-9884,
PITCAIRN-MONROEVILLE SPORTSMEN Thu. 6 p.m. trap, practical pistol. Sat. 10 a.m. trap. Sun. 1 p.m. trap. 412-824-3790,
POSSUM HOLLOW SPORTSMEN Wampum, Pa. Indoor Special Archery Shoots Dec. 23, 30. 30 targets, open to public, $10, 5-10 p.m. 724-535-4985,
RICHLAND SPORTSMEN Thu. archery. Alternate Mon. junior rifle. 412-486-7820,
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ROCHESTER SPORTSMEN Wed. 6 p.m. trap. Tue. 6 p.m. sporting clays. Rte. 989, New Sewickley, 724-495-9900.
ROSTRAVER SPORTSMEN Wed. 6-9 p.m. pistol big bore, .22 LR. Thu. 10 a.m. trap. Sat. 1 p.m. trap. 724-872-4399.
SALTSBURG SPORTSMEN Second, fourth Sun. 9:30 a.m. paintball. 724-845-6936.
SHANER SPORTSMEN Fri. trap. 724-494-6834, 412-417-3744.
SINNAMAHONING SPORTSMEN Second, fourth Sun. 9:30 a.m. paintball. 724-845-6936.
SUTERSVILLE SPORTSMEN Mon. 6 p.m., Tue., 10 a.m. trap. 412-872-0989.
TARENTUM SPORTSMEN Thu., 5:30 p.m. skeet. 724- 353-1216.
TRAFFORD SPORTSMEN Wed. 10 a.m., Fri. 6 p.m. trap. Tue. evenings archery. First, third Sun. 10:30 a.m. bowling pin shoot. 412-372-3820,
VICTORY HILL GUN Tue. 6 p.m. trap. 724-258-9871.
WASHINGTON SPORTSMEN Thu. 6 p.m. trap, wobble trap. 724-222-0651.
WHITE OAK ROD GUN First, third Sun. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. sporting clays, 5-stand $25. Wed., Fri. 7-9 p.m. skeet. 724-863-9941,