The following update on local real estate information is based on Multiple Listing Service data as of Friday.
Properties available: 71
Condominiums: 14
Houses: 57
Short Sales and REOs: 31
Average condo price: $335,326
Average house price: $571,809
Average time on the market: 103 days for condos; 72 days for houses
Available properties by price range:
Under $399,999: 25
$400,000 – $699,999: 42
$700,000 – $999,999: 3
$1,000,000-$1,999,999: 0
$2,000,000 Over: 1
Properties available by ZIP Code:
92821 – 62
92823 – 8
Escrows opened last week: 5
Least expensive houses: One of the least expensive homes going into escrow features 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,400 square feet and a 6,000-square-foot lot with 2-car attached garage. This home is listed for $339,000. The actual sale price is not disclosed by the MLS until after the property closes escrow.
Most expensive properties: One of the most expensive homes going into escrow features 5 bedrooms, 5 baths plus bonus room, 3,990 square feet and a 7,012-square-foot lot with 2-car attached garage. This home is listed for $789,900. The actual sale price is not disclosed by the MLS until after the property closes escrow.
Closed escrows: 5 with an average sale price of $523,800 and an average time on the market of 55 days.
Properties available: 176
Condos: 51
Houses: 125
Short Sales and REOs: 96
Average condo price: $171,668
Average house price: $377,042
Average time on the market: 51 days for condos; 125 days for houses
Available properties by price range:
Under $199,999: 42
$200,000 – $399,999: 94
$400,000 – $699,999: 37
$700,000 – $999,999: 3
Escrows opened last week: 9
Least expensive houses: One of the least expensive homes going into escrow features 2 bedrooms, 1 bath with 943 square feet and a 5,722-square-foot lot with 2-car attached garage. This home is listed for $199,000. The actual sale price is not disclosed by the MLS until after the property closes escrow.
Lease expensive condos: One of the least expensive homes going into escrow features 3 bedrooms, 2 bath with 1,099 square feet, 1-car garage plus 1 parking space and association pool and clubhouse. This home is listed for $175,000. The actual sale price is not disclosed by the MLS until after the property closes escrow.
Most expensive properties: One of the most expensive homes going into escrow features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2,563 square feet and a 9,240-square-foot lot with view and 2-car attached garage. This home is listed for $598,500. The actual sale price is not disclosed by the MLS until after the property closes escrow.
Closed escrows: 7 with an average sale price of $242,328 and an average time on the market of 76 days.
Dennis Bode is a Realtor with Prudential California Realty. You may contact him at 714-814-1041, e-mail him at or find him online at