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This was made possible following a grant of almost £170,000 awarded under the NIEA’s Historic Buildings Grant-Aid Scheme, to repair work to the exterior of this important listed structure.
The house, built in 1620 and home to the Staples family until the last remaining occupant, Mrs Hazel Dolling passed away in 2006, is reported to be haunted. Allegedly, ghostly children have played in the hall and lavender scent appears from nowhere!
Pointing out the importance of the grant scheme to maintaining our architectural heritage, Environment Minister, Alex Attwood said: “Lissan House is a real gem in the historic homes of Northern Ireland. There is much public interest in these old gentry country houses. An important part of Cookstown’s and indeed Northern Ireland’s architectural heritage has been successfully restored. We owe it to future generations to ensure that listed buildings, of which there are approximately 8,500 in Northern Ireland, are protected and enhanced.
“In this particular case Mrs Dolling desired the building to become a centre for music and arts for central Ulster. The ‘Friends of Lissan House Trust’ have now realised the wishes of Mrs Dolling through the recently completed repair and conservation works at Lissan House, which now promotes tourism and community uses. This project has helped to safeguard the future of Lissan House and preserve this important historic asset, for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. I welcome the fact that my Department has been able to make that happen.”
Concluding Minister Attwood added: “The historic buildings grant-aid scheme goes a long way towards ensuring a sustainable future for much of our built heritage and I have sought to secure more money to this fund. This week I was pleased to announce that the cap on support for new applications which was set at £50,000 last year has now been raised threefold to £150,000.”
As part of the Programme For Government, DOE is committed to ‘protecting and enhancing our environment and natural resources’.