Black Diamond Library February Events

Children Families 

Discover Stories! Family Story Times

 Monday, February 6, 13 and 27, 10:30am

All ages welcome with adult.

Black Diamond After-School Book Bunch at Black Diamond Elementary

Nory Ryan’s Song by Patricia Reilly Giff

Thursday, February 16, 3:45pm

Ages 8 to 12 with adult.

Eat free pizza, play games and talk about great books after school in the Black Diamond Elementary School Library.

This book group is open to all, but BDE students staying after school must bring a permission slip from their grown-up on the day of book group. Parents will need to sign out their children with the Children’s Librarian by 4:45pm.

Reading Is Magic Show

Wednesday, February 22, 2pm

Presented by Louie Foxx.

Ages 4 and older with adult.

Come for magic, comedy and fun. Louie Foxx was voted the Best Live Entertainment for Kids by the Parent Map Magazine, holds a Guinness World Record and has appeared on America’s Got Talent! 


If you are in elementary school, take the Reading Challenge! Read at least 20 minutes per day for 20 days within a month and choose a new paperback book at your community library.

Forms are available at the library or online.  


Read Three, Get One Free!

Read three books, write three short, thoughtful reviews and get a new paperback book…free!

Pick up an entry form at any KCLS library or online.  


Friends of the Black Diamond Library Book Sale

Friday, February 3, 10am-6pm

Saturday, February 4, 10am-4pm

Great selection at bargain prices. Lightly used books, CDs, DVDs and audiobooks.  

Computer Class: Introduction to Computers

Tuesday, February 7, 10:30am 

Friends of the Black Diamond Library Meeting

Wednesday, February 15, 7pm 

Workshops for Owners of Horses and Small Farms

Thursday, February 16 and 23, 6:15pm

Presented by King Conservation District.

Hands-on workshops on livestock management practices. See a variety of options and work with technicians to discover ways you can have less mud, better pastures, manage manure and care for streams and wetlands. Includes light refreshments.
Upcoming dates and topics included:

  • February 16: Streams Wetlands-Living with Livestock Near Water
  • February 23: Mud Management-Record Rainfall/Record Mud
  • March 1: Manure Management-Got Livestock? Got Manure!
  • March 8: Pasture Management-Becoming a Grass Farmer

Please register with King Conservation District,

Release Contacts: Jackie Brown,, Julie Brand,