Special Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services are being held by a number of area churches. Listed here are those events that have been submitted to the Times-Standard. Non Christmas-themed events taking place on Sunday and during the next week are listed in the “North Coast Happenings” column on page B2.
Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
BAYSIDE (24 Fellowship Way) — A Christmas Eve gathering will begin at 7 p.m. tonight. Members will share their traditions of childhood and the Christmas story which serve as powerful metaphors for the birth of new possibilities of peace and love, and gather in a traditional candlelight celebration of the power of possibilities that the Christmas story, in word and in song, offer to all.
”Cider Sunday” will be celebrated at the 10:30 a.m. meeting Sunday. Consulting minister Dennis Reynolds will lead members and friends of the fellowship in a holiday time of sharing stories of the season. Cider and coffee will be provided; bring Christmas goodies to share. For more information, call 822-3793.
St. Innocent Orthodox Church
EUREKA (939 F St.) — “Orthodox Christmas: A Return to the Roots” will be the theme of the Christmas Eve service tonight at
10 p.m. According to the Rev. Laurent Cleenewerck, pastor at St. Innocent Orthodox Church, few Christians realize that the celebration of Christmas was first introduced as a feast to be observed with the winter
solstice by John Chrysostom in 386 during his ministry in Antioch, modern-day Turkey. Previously, Christmas was observed on the same day as Theophany (or Epiphany), Jan. 6 in the modern calendar, or simply ignored as a minor day. Eureka’s Orthodox Christian community will return to the roots by celebrating the Divine Liturgy of the same St. John Chrysostom, at tonight’s service. All are welcome to attend.
”We are not observing Christmas on Jan. 7 — often called ‘Russian Christmas’ — as some people expect, because Orthodox Christians in North America have generally adopted the Gregorian calendar for this season,” said Cleenewerck. The gift of spiritual roots will be the theme of his sermon, preceded by a traditional scattering of flowers and leaves in the sanctuary as the people exclaim “Christ is born! Glorify Him!”
To learn more about the Feast of Nativity in Eastern Christianity, and for a schedule of events, call 677-9294 or visit www.orthodoxanswers.org/eureka.
Eureka First United Methodist Church
EUREKA (520 Del Norte St.) — There will be a traditional candlelight Christmas Eve service tonight at 7:30 p.m. The entire community is invited to this service filled with music by the choir and other musical groups as well as the singing of Christmas carols. The service will conclude with each person passing the light of Christ one to another as “Silent Night” is sung by all. This is a wonderful service for children to participate in. Child care for infants and toddlers will be available during the service.
On Sunday, there will be a single 11 a.m. worship service. Child care will be available during the service. For more information, email grace520@pacbell.net, call 442-3015 or visit www.firstumceureka.org.
Life Church
EUREKA (2337 Kipling Drive) — A special Christmas celebration, including Communion, carols, cookies and more, will be presented at 10:45 a.m. Sunday. All are welcome to enjoy Christmas morning at Life Church with their extended Christian family.
This service is especially designed to welcome and bless friends throughout the area. It will include praise and worship, along with a selection of Christmas carols led by worship leader Jim Sarge and a timely word presented by the Rev. Bob Sirrine.
The church is located near the top of Humboldt Hill Road; turn right on Kipling. For more information, call the church at 442-9585 or call Jim Sarge at 510-396-3852.
Calvary Chapel of Fortuna
FORTUNA (914 Ninth St.) — There is a special schedule for services this year. The Christmas Eve service will be at 9 p.m. tonight and there will be only one service on Sunday, at 10 a.m. (Note the time change from regular services.)
Lutheran Church of Arcata
ARCATA (151 E. 16th St.) — Christmas Eve worship at the Lutheran Church of Arcata will be held tonight at 7 p.m. A candlelight service of “Readings and Carols” will include Jan Niclai at the organ and Tim Claasen directing the Chancel Choir. Dale Oliver will solo. The Rev. Don Schatz will share the message, “Christ Candle.”
Ferndale Community Church
FERNDALE (712 Main St.) — Christmas Eve candlelight service will begin at 6 p.m. tonight. The congregation will sing Christmas carols and hear about the birth of Jesus Christ from Scripture and readings, closing with singing by candlelight. All are invited to come and celebrate the “reason for the season.” For more information, contact the Rev. Sean Peifer at 786-4475 or via e-mail at ferndalecommunitychurch@frontiernet.net.
Arcata Presbyterian Church
ARCATA (11th and G streets) — The traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service will be tonight at 6 p.m. with carols, special music, the Nativity story and holding candles for the closing hymn, “Silent Night.” The public is invited and is encouraged to bring Christmas bells. The church will collect donations for Arcata House, the Arcata Night Shelter, the North Coast Resource Center and the Presbyterian Joy offering.
First Covenant Church
EUREKA (2526 J St.) — There will be a one-hour Christmas Eve candlelight service at 5 p.m. tonight. Traditional Christmas carols will be sung and the Christmas story from Matthew and Luke will be told, concluding with a circle of light. Christmas Day services Sunday are at the regular times, with a 9:30 a.m. traditional service and an 11 a.m. contemporary service.
St. Bernard Parish
EUREKA — Everyone is welcome to attend the parish’s Christmas celebrations. A Christmas Eve family Mass will be celebrated at
4 p.m. today at St. Bernard Church, Sixth and H streets, and will include the “Children’s Nativity Pageant.” Midnight Mass, also at St. Bernard Church, will be preceded by music beginning at 11:30 p.m. tonight. On Christmas Day, Mass will be celebrated at 8 a.m. at St. Joseph Church, Henderson and C streets in Eureka, and also at 10 a.m. at St. Bernard Church. For more information, call 442-6466 or visit www.saintbernards.org.
Bayside Community Presbyterian Church
BAYSIDE (2023 Old Arcata Road) — A musical Christmas Eve service will be held at 2 p.m. today at the church and will include the McKinleyville Community Choir singing a variety of Christmas carols, popular and classical spiritual selections, soloist Bill Frazee singing “Sweet Baby Jesus,” a duet by Ann Fuller and Jon Reifdorf singing “Mary Did You Know?” and Jon Wynands playing “Little Drummer Boy” on the harmonica. The Rev. Wayne Johnson will read Scriptures from Isaiah 40 and Luke 1 and 2 throughout the program. A time of fellowship and refreshments will follow the performance. For more information, call 822-5691. The public is invited.
On Sunday at 9:30 a.m., the Christmas service at Bayside Community Presbyterian Church will include the Rev. Wayne Johnson at the pulpit talking about the true meaning of Christmas and the wonders of family and friends. Christmas carols will be sung by those in attendance. The public is welcome.
Church of the Joyful Healer
McKINLEYVILLE (1944 Central Ave.) — The Christmas Eve candlelight service will begin at 7 p.m. and the Christmas Day service at 10 a.m. The New Year’s Day service will begin at 10 a.m. For more information, call 839-5691, email umc.joyfulhealer@gmail.com or visit www.umc-joyfulhealer.org.
Arcata United Methodist Church
ARCATA (1761 11th St.) — On Dec. 24, candlelight worship will be at 7 p.m. and candlelight worship of Holy Communion will be at 11 p.m. For more information, visit www.arcataumc.org, or call 822-1963.
Sunny Brae Church
ARCATA (555 Bayside Road (between Union and Crescent Way) — A special Christmas Eve service will begin at 5:30 p.m. tonight. All are invited to come for a time of singing Christmas carols, special music and sharing. Cookies and hot apple cider will be served afterward. There will be no service on Sunday (Christmas Day).
First Presbyterian Church of Eureka
EUREKA (14th and I streets) — The Rev. Daniel J. Price will celebrate Christmas with two Christmas Eve services tonight. The first service, at 5 p.m. will be a family service including carols and the Christmas Pageant. The traditional candlelight service will begin at 11 p.m. and feature carols, the Chancel Choir directed by Stephen Lewis, and various Bible readings depicting the Christmas story. Offering money collected at both services will be donated in its entirety to charitable organizations feeding and caring for people from Eureka to Zimbabwe. Only one service will be held Christmas morning at 10:30 a.m. It will be a service of carols, with the opportunity to request a favorite carol to be sung. For more information, visit www.eurekapresby.org or call 443-4897.
Hope Lutheran Church
FORTUNA (1480 Ross Hill Road) — The church will have its Christmas Eve service at 7 p.m. tonight and its Christmas service on Sunday at 10 a.m. For more information, call the pastor, Tom Slater, at 442-9472.
Reconciliation Old Catholic Church
McKINLEYVILLE (meets at United Methodist Church of the Joyful Healer, 1944 Central Ave.) — Christmas Eve Mass will be celebrated at 3 p.m. today (note the earlier time). Those who have a manger scene and would like it blessed are invited to bring it with them. The church welcomes all, regardless of divorce, religion, nationality or sexual orientation. Those who feel left out or pushed out of their church are especially invited.
For more information about this newly established church in California, e-mail the Rev. Thomas Ayotte, bishop of the diocese, at bishopayotte@yahoo.com. All are invited to come and receive the Lord in Communion, and no confession is needed.
Lutheran Church of Arcata
ARCATA (151 E. 16th St.) — Christmas Eve will begin with a festival candlelight service of “Readings and Carols” at 7 p.m. tonight. Tim Claasen directs the Chancel Choir. Jan Niclai accompanies the choir and congregation. Dale Oliver will be the featured soloist. The Rev. Don Schatz will share the message, “Christ Candle.”
On Sunday the church will celebrate Christmas Day with a Eucharistic worship of celebration at 9:30 a.m. Claasen directs the Chancel Choir and Niclai will be the featured organist. Schatz will offer the message “This Is What Christmas Looks Like.”
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church
ARCATA (1675 Chester Ave.) — Carols with the choir and the congregation begin celebrations this evening from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass, St. Alban’s principal Christmas service, is at 4:30 p.m. with the Nativity story from the Gospel of Luke. The Rev. Sara L. Potter will give the sermon and celebrate Holy Eucharist. The service will include selections by the choir, carol singing by the congregation and Christmas organ music. For Sunday’s Christmas Day service, Evaonne Hendricks will preach and Potter will celebrate a Festive Holy Eucharist. The Gospel lesson is the Nativity story from Luke. Organ music and carols will be part of the celebration.
Arcata United Methodist Church
ARCATA (1761 11th St.) — Tonight, Christmas Eve candlelight worship will be at 7 p.m. and candlelight observance of Holy Communion will be at 11 p.m. “So It is Christmas” is the Rev. Cindy Storrs’ message at the single worship service at 10 a.m. on Christmas Day, Sunday. The Scripture reading is John 1:1-14. A time of fellowship follows the service in the Social Hall. For more information, visit www.arcataumc.org or call 822-1963.
Faith Center
EUREKA (1032 Bay St.) — Two Christmas Eve traditional candlelight services will be held today at 5 and 6:30 p.m. These services will feature contemporary music, carols, a children’s Nativity and message of hope from the pastor, Matt Messner. The services will be one hour long. Child care will be available for children up to 24 months. For Christmas Day, Faith Center will not be having its regular 9 a.m. service. Instead, it will serving a family-style breakfast at 10 a.m. followed by a Christmas Day service at 11 a.m. This service will be for all ages and will be a celebration of the birth of Jesus. It will be different from the Christmas Eve candlelight services.
For directions and information, call 442-1784 or visit www.eurekafaithcenter.org.
Eureka Center for Spiritual Living
EUREKA (meets at Odd Fellows Hall, 239 Buhne St.) — The community is invited to a Taize service and labybrinth walk on Christmas Day, Sunday at 9:45 a.m. The event features meditation, music and poems from inspired mystics. This service is “the selfless act of offering our presence to our waiting world.” A free-will offering will be taken. All people, regardless of faith, religion or orientation, are welcome. For more information, email RevDrWayna@aol.com.
The Church on the Rock
McKINLEYVILLE (2333 McKinleyville Ave.) — The church will host a Christmas Eve candlelight Communion service at 7 p.m. tonight at the new location. Also featured will be Christmas carols, blended worship music, a solo by Robin Bartlett and a message by the Rev. David Kilmer. For information, call 839-7993 or visit www.tcotr.com.
Trinity Baptist Church,
ARCATA (2450 Alliance Road) — The Christmas Day sermon Sunday by the Rev. Jerry Greer will be “The Message of Christmas: Luke 2:1-20” at the 10 a.m. worship service. Before the service there will be a 9 a.m. special Christmas Bible study with Christmas carols and the film “Birth of Jesus.”
Greer will visit Bethlehem today and tell how, as Mary delivered Jesus into this world, there were three Christmas messages being proclaimed. For more information, call 822-7668.
Eureka First Assembly of God
EUREKA (1060 Hoover St.) — The community is invited to a special Christmas morning service at 10 a.m. Sunday to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For more information, call 442-3510.
First Congregational United Church of Christ
EUREKA (900 Hodgson St.) — Beautiful Christmas services are planned for the celebration of Christ’s birth. Christmas Eve services begin early; at 4 p.m. today, a combined service at First Christian Church (730 K St.) is appropriate for families with small children. There will be lots of singing and the telling of the Christmas story. The 11 p.m. traditional candlelight service tonight at UCC (combined with First Christian Church and open to everyone no matter where they are on life’s journey) includes special music by Larry Pitts and the Sanctuary Choir, solos by Dr. Sharolyn Hutton and John Tomascheski, the Revs. Carlotta Vallerga and Christine Tomascheski will be preaching. The service closes with a candlelight circle around the sanctuary and the sing-ing of “Silent Night.”
Christmas Sunday worship begins at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Dr. Sharolyn Hutton will lead a Christmas hymn sing with Stan Smith-Hanes at the piano, Phillip Smith-Hanes will bring a Christmas homily and Vallerga will preside at the Communion Table. All are invited to celebrate God’s presence in all times, circumstances and situations.
Christ Episcopal Church
EUREKA (15th and H streets) — “In that region, there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night …” as it is written in the Gospel of Luke portraying the birth of the Christ child and the news of his arrival to the shepherds who made the good news known in Bethlehem. The Very Rev. Ron Griffin will read this good news tonight at the 6 p.m. family Christmas Eve service and the 10:30 p.m. Christ Mass.
On Sunday, Christmas Day, Griffin will read the Gospel of John foretelling through John the Baptist, of the birth of the son of God, at the 9 a.m. service of “Lessons and Carols.” Griffin will be the celebrant of the Eucharist at all of the Christmas services.
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