Landlords Hockenhull Estates will be listed on London’s Alternative Investment Market following a reverse takeover of Palace Capital.
Hockenhull Estates owns nine offices and shops in Crewe and Nantwich valued at just over £2m. The annual rent roll is £185,000.
The most valuable property is 23-25 Market Street, Crewe, valued at £400,000.
The sale of Hockenhull Estates was first advertised last autumn at a price of £2.35m. Palace Capital is purchasing Hockenhull Estates for cash consideration of £1.8m.
Official documents show the new company believes secondary office and retail property has yet to follow prime property by increasing value – and that this provides them with a business opportunity.
The document says: “Although non-prime property can be more difficult to source than prime property and can require substantial asset management as well as capital expenditure to maintain income the directors believe that there are current and future opportunities to acquire undervalued non-prime properties and that non-prime property has not recovered its value to the same extent as prime property.”