All of the events listed below are free and open to the public unless noted.
Over the past few months, Salem Art Association’s Marketing Advisory Committee has been working with designer Elizabeth Schrader to develop a new logo. This committee is lead by SAA’s Marketing Coordinator, Meaghan McGraw, and is comprised of marketing and branding experts including SAA’s Galleries Director, Catherine Alexander; Former Director of Publications at Southern Oregon University, Jim Brown; Web Designer, Phil Krug; and Professional Marketing Consultant, Rachel Bucci. This particular logo was chosen because it offers a recognizable face for SAA by using the Bush House Museum, the foundation for the Association, while the image of the tree represents our geographic location (Bush Park) as well as longevity and growth.
The design of this logo is contemporary and easily recognizable large or small. After this particular design was chosen, it was endorsed by SAA’s Board of Directors, SAA Staff, and SAA’s programmatic committees. For more information about this logo, please contact Meaghan McGraw, Marketing Coordinator, at 503-581-2228 x306 or at
Tuesday, October 4 Gallery Guides Monthly Meeting
Gallery Guide with Staff
You are welcome to join the Gallery Guides this month on Tuesday, October 4, at 9:30 am where guest speaker Ross Sutherland, Bush House Museum Director, will speak about the Parks for People: the Art of Stewardship exhibition taking place in the Focus Gallery through October 15. Since the opening of the Bush Barn Art Center in 1965, the Gallery Guides have been greeting visitors and guiding tours in the A.N. Bush Gallery. Members also host receptions for exhibiting artists, assist in SAA’s fundraising events throughout the year, and organize day trips to art institutions throughout Western Oregon. Those interested in learning more about becoming a Gallery Guide are welcome to attend a monthly meeting or contact Judy Beck at 503-370-7754 or at
Saturday October 1 Pie-O-neer Day Bush House Museum
Pie-O-neer Day celebrates the farm heritage of Bush’s Pasture Park with a baked fruit pie contest, pioneer games, and activities for children along with an exhibition of heirloom utilitarian quilts. Salem area “householders” and “urban homesteaders” will enjoy meeting Harriet Fasenfest, author of A Householder’s Guide to the Universe, which offers “practical advice on how to shop, garden, run a household, preserve and cook food, and more.” Area residents are also encouraged to join in the fun with “Chair and Share” where they can bring a chair to sit in while they share their traditional and contemporary handcrafts. To register for the pie contest and “Chair and Share,” please visit the www.Salem Free admission to
Pie-O-neer Day – donations welcomed. Regular tour rates to view the utilitarian quilt exhibition. For more information, contact Ross Sutherland, Museum Director, 503-363-4714.
Sunday October 2 Quiltopia Passport Sunday Bush House Museum
Bush House Museum Photo by Frank Miller
Quiltopia Weekend, the first weekend in October, is a fundraiser benefiting Helping Hands Resources, a Salem based non-profit which provides clothing, bedding, and household items to our neighbors in need. Those purchasing a Quiltopia Passport can get their complimentary passport stamp at the Bush Barn Art Center. The Bush House Museum will be open from 1-4 pm with regular admission rates for a special viewing of the Stitch in Time: Rediscovering Heirloom Utilitarian Quilts exhibit and guided house tours. Enjoy special appliqué quilting demonstrations with Jane Davis and friends during this one-day event.
Salem’s Bush House Museum, with its conservatory, barn, and ice house, was the farm residence of the Asahel Bush II Family from 1878-1953. Once the home of SAA’s first galleries in Bush’s Pasture Park, the historic home now interprets the lives, legacy, and art collection of these pioneering Oregonians. Join us from March to December for guided tours, special events, and changing exhibits. Admission prices are $4 for adults, $3 for seniors (55 and over) and students (ages 13-21), and $2 for children ages 6-12. Children age 5 and under are free. For more information, please contact the Bush House Museum at 503-363-4714 or visit SAA’s website at
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