“No public museums will display these objects or photograph them” … Michael Pickering. Photo: Graham Tidy
AN English auction house will today sell off a rare Aboriginal Tjuringa stone, a totem so sacred to indigenous culture than Australian museums refuse to even exhibit them out of respect for indigenous mores.
The sale of the etched oval stone, listed as Lot 825 by the Canterbury Auction Galleries, has outraged Australian museum authorities, who say the piece should not be seen by anyone other than initiated male elders, let alone a foreign white woman who was apparently given it as a birthday present while briefly in Sydney.
The artefacts are regarded to be physical manifestations of sacred ancestral beings and have great spiritual power.
”They are the most sacred objects in Aboriginal culture,” said Bernice Murphy, the national director of Museums Australia. ”You would only be able to handle them, or even know where they are kept, if you were a very senior elder.”
A report on a British antiques website said, the owner of the Tjuringa stone is a ”Kent lady” who settled in Sydney’s Darling Point when her husband was posted to Australia in 1959.
She became acquainted with her neighbour, Archer Russell, a World War I veteran, sometime journalist and wanderer who wrote several books about his ”walkabouts” in the desert.
”That birthday he gave me the Churinga [sic] and the following year, a well-used boomerang. I called the Churinga my dreaming stone,” the woman is reported as saying. ”As I can’t divide it between my two sons, I have decided to sell it.”
Ms Murphy said the woman’s statement was ”almost unbelievable in its ignorance and disregard of cultural origin”.
”That the woman is now selling her ‘birthday present’ for monetary gain, when this object has a profound relationship to living descendants of the original Arrernte custodians is shocking in the extreme,” she said.
In 2009, Michael Pickering, a repatriation expert with the National Museum of Australia, oversaw the repatriation of a Tjuringa stone from the Seattle Art Museum. It was housed in a restricted store while central Australian elders were consulted, then returned to the tribe it originated from.
”No public museums will display these objects or photographs of them,” he said.
Philip Gordon, the manager of Aboriginal heritage at the Australian Museum in Sydney, said: ”Museums and Aborigines take the view that these objects should be returned and not traded or sold.”
A spokeswoman for the Office for the Arts said it had contacted the International Cultural Property Unit in Britain seeking their advice. Overnight, the national museum emailed the auctioneers to request they withdraw the item from sale.