Business & Community Events Appeal To All Interests, Now Listed On New My …

My Booking Manager, provider of a registration and booking service for corporate, business, government and non profit event coordinators, today launched its new website.

The My Booking Manager website can be used to access a broad range of events and functions catering to a wide range of interests.

“We are all familiar with first aid training for physical injuries”, Mr Herrmann, Managing Director of My Booking Manager said, “but given that each year 1 in 5 Australian adults will experience mental illness, how many people would be aware of a training course for Mental Health First Aid”

“This is just one of many wide and varied events using My Booking Manager to manage their online registrations and payments” he said.

The broad range of events listed cater to all interests. Forthcoming events address such issues as the future of recruiting; a Thinkers in Residence public lecture on Manufacturing into the Future; Anti-Money Laundering Counter-Terrorism Financing; The food labelling debate; Social Media as a tool to market business; and Smart Tips for Sustainable Businesses.

While there’s also networking events for young business leaders aged 18-35, even HSC students are catered for with a Lockdown study week where they can access subject specialists, “eat great food, meet new people, and have some fun”.

Many of the events also provide a unique opportunity to access key influential people such as breakfast with renowned international business guru. Phil Ruthven; Independent Senator, Nick Xenophon; and a rare opportunity to hear four of Queensland’s highest profile Mayors, etc.

These events and many more can be accessed directly from the My Booking Manager website. The free information can also be read on your favourite RSS reader using a link on the web site. A popular way to keep across events as they come up is to link to the My Booking Manager event feed using the popular social media sites such as Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.

For the event coordinator, the My Booking Manager website also offers tips on running successful events, as well as a range of helpful articles on how to run great events. A comprehensive manual is also available to guide people new to events as well as for the experienced event manager. The site also provides a free trial to its popular do-it-yourself method of accepting bookings and payments on line.

My Booking Manager will also be releasing an enhanced version of its online registration and payment service later this year.