Errowanbang offers insight into a pioneer

“Old Errowanbang”, of 299ha, adjoins “Flyers Creek Flats” of 48.5ha, while “Avonsyde” of 350ha is about 5km by fenced, all-weather road to the east.

“Flyers Creek Flats”, as the name suggests, comprises the rich alluvial flat fronting the permanent Flyers Creek, while the two larger blocks are gently undulating to hilly grazing country.

Timbered originally by white and yellow box, the country is now cleared for grazing apart from retained shade and shelter belts, and nearly all accessible by vehicle.

Soils are mostly of basalt origin, supporting established phalaris/sub-clover pastures on “Old Errowanbang” and a mix of native grasses, phalaris and clovers on “Avonsyde”.

Long-term stocking rates are estimated at 7.4-8.6 DSE/ha, equivalent to 3200 DSE for “Old Errowanbang” and 2700 DSE for “Avonsyde”, currently made up of Merino and crossbred sheep and breeding cows.

Average rainfall is about 760mm and the properties are well watered by dams, springs and (in the case of “Old Errowanbang”/“Flyers Creek Flats”) creek frontages.

The woolshed, originally the Errowanbang Station woolshed, is a Central West landmark, notable for its robust condition after 125 years, and no less for its unique, multi-tier design.

Built for 40 blade stands, it was later converted to 14 machine stands, about eight of which are still functional.

Other working improvements include a three-stand shearing shed and yards on “Avonsyde” plus machinery and hay sheds on both main properties, stables, cattle yards and silos.

The main homestead on “Old Errowanbang” is set on a rise overlooking the creek and comprises the original Lawson homestead plus extensions added in the 1930s and 2005.

The latter extension incorporates a new kitchen (with cellar access) and a large, open-plan living/dining area plus an office or sixth bedroom.

A nearby brick veneer dwelling of three bedrooms built in 1985 provides additional accommodation for a manager or extended family.

“Old Errowanbang” aggregation will go to auction in Orange on September 29, when it is expected the combined package will realise in the mid-$3 million range.

Contact Stephen Townsend, (0427) 631 957.