Central Indiana plans variety of 9/11 remembrance events

Hoosiers will join other Americans this week to reflect and remember the sacrifices of Sept. 11, 2001.

Volunteer projects, prayer services and patriotic displays are among the many ways Central Indiana will mark the observance. All of the events listed here will be Sunday.

Dedication of Project 9/11 Indianapolis Memorial

4 p.m. Sunday, Downtown Canal, along Ohio Street. Dedication of the memorial, a 30-by-30-foot granite plaza, featuring twin 22-foot steel beams from Ground Zero that were donated to the city of Indianapolis by the Port Authority of New York New Jersey. Dignitaries to speak, choirs to sing, bands to play. Organizer is Indianapolis firefighter Greg Hess. Donations may be made by visiting www.project911indianapolis.org.

The Field of Flags

8:30 a.m. Oaklawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery and Funeral Center, 9700 Allisonville Road, Fishers. Display of 1,000 American flags honoring lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001, and paying tribute to those serving in the military. Flags will be placed by 100 Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Keynote speaker: Maj. Gen. R. Martin Umbarger. Guest speaker: Josh Bleill, who lost both legs in a roadside blast while serving in Iraq in 2006 and is community spokesman for the Indianapolis Colts. Also, there will be a silent auction and sale of American flags at $50 each. Proceeds benefit families of deployed soldiers through the National Guard Relief Fund. Call (317) 362-7691, or email mlindley@flanner buchanan.com.

Interfaith Prayer and Service Project

2:30 p.m., Gleaners Food Bank, 3737 Waldemere Ave. All faiths gather for prayers, community art and an opportunity to make a difference for the hungry. Interfaith prayer service begins at 3 p.m., followed by refreshments, art activities and volunteer work. Donation accepted for Interfaith Hunger Initiative. (317) 925-0191 or www.interfaithhungerinitiative.org.

September 11th Remembrance

11 a.m. The Palladium, City Center Drive and Third Avenue Southwest, Carmel. Community service includes choral, orchestral and interpretive dance presentation of Rene Clausen’s “Memorial.” Also, hymns, testimonies, mini-messages, readings and additional musical selections of varying genres. Artistic slides will accompany many service elements. Hosted by Carmel United Methodist Church. Proceeds from offering support families of fallen first responders. Ray Marsh, (317) 843-3800.

September 11th Remembrance Ceremony

2 p.m. Historic Hamilton County Courthouse, Noblesville. Firefighters, first responders and Americans who died on Sept. 11, 2001, will be honored at ceremony. Speakers include Noblesville Fire Department Chaplain Stephen Schultze, Hamilton County Commissioner Steve Dillinger and Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear. A steel beam recovered from the site of the World Trade Center will be on display. Hosted by Hamilton County Firefighters Local 4416 with assistance from the city of Noblesville. Tony Murray, (317) 773-8805.

Public safety appreciation breakfast

7:30 to 9:30 a.m., Crown Hill Funeral Home, 700 W. 38th St. Free breakfast for all public safety professionals and their families. (317) 920-2726 or www.crownhillhf.org.

A Day of Remembrance

3 p.m., Worship Center of Hamilton County, 2200 Sheridan Road, Noblesville. The Lapel Community Band performs a concert honoring first responders, veterans and individuals serving the country. Free. (317) 770-9720.

9/11 Heroes 5K Run

1 p.m. Westfield High School, 18250 N. Union St., Westfield. Honoring fallen American heroes, event is part of nationwide run involving 15,000 registered runners in more than 35 races. Proceeds benefit the Travis Manion Foundation. Register online. $25. (317) 867-6800 or www.911heroesrun.com or www.active.com.

9/11 Prayer Vigil for Peace and Unity

7 a.m. to 6 p.m. St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 100 W. 86th St. Members of 12 different faiths and philosophies hold one-hour prayer sessions in their own tradition. In Room N 103-14. Enter at Door 7. Call Betty Brandt, (317) 846-3404, ext. 339.

Service of Remembrance and Reconciliation

4 p.m. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 6050 N. Meridian St. St. Paul’s Choir leads a commemoration service of readings, anthems, hymns and prayers for all those affected by the events of Sept. 11, 2001. The service features music of John Rutter, Stephen Paulus, Felix Mendelssohn and Douglas Guest. The liturgy concludes with organ meditations by Samuel Barber, Herbert Howells and J.S. Bach. (317) 253-1277.

HOPE 9/11

9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Madison Park Church of God, 6607 Providence Drive, Anderson. Services honor public safety workers and their families. Special reserved seating for current or retired public servants who come in uniform. Call (765) 642-2000.

Service of Remembrance

7 p.m. Avon Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 7236 E. Hendricks County Road 100 South, Avon. Service honors Hendricks County public safety workers. (317) 839-6231 or www.christianchurchfoundation.org.

Worship and Remembrance service

10:45 a.m. Lebanon Memorial Park, 130 E. Ulen Drive, Lebanon. Service of recognition and remembrance of the lives lost 10 years ago on Sept. 11. A blessing will be prayed upon individuals who willingly risk their lives daily to protect and preserve. Bring lawn chairs and blankets. Lunch available after the service for freewill offering. In the event of rain, services will be at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. at Lebanon Christian Church, 610 W. Boone County Road 250 North, host of the event. Visit www.lebanonchristian.org.

Tenth Anniversary 9/11 Worship Services, Memorial Service

9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Northview Church, 12900 Hazel Dell Parkway, Carmel. Services will focus on the catastrophic events of Sept. 11, 2001, and coping with the ordeal. A memorial service will be at 12:30 p.m. Firefighters recognize the sacrifices of the individuals and public safety personnel who died on Sept. 11. (317) 846-2884.

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