Summers Place – ghastly mistake

Published on Sat Sep 03 11:14:29 BST 2011

ARE HORSHAM planners about to make another ghastly mistake?

Horsham District Council has before it a planning application (DC/11/1572) for the erection of a new gallery in the walled garden adjacent to Summers Place.

When Berkeley Homes developed this site they swept away all the old industrial buildings which spoilt the site and paid great attention to reflect the Grade II listed manor house in the new buildings.

Despite much opposition Berkeley Homes persisted and have to be congratulated in both restoring an important part of our built heritage and creating new homes which are a delight to look at and live in and prove that 19th century and 21st century buildings can harmonise.

This new application by Summers Place Auctions Ltd is for a new gallery adjacent to the manor house, the need for which is understood and supported, however it seeks to construct another industrial building entirely out of keeping with its Grade II neighbour.

The issue is not the building but the sloping roof which is 5,000 sq ft of industrial cladding and which will be visible from the grounds of Summers Place, the Manor House and many of the newly constructed houses.

Residents have been informed that the proposed roof material follows from discussions with Horsham District Council and is seen as appropriate for a new building in a 19th century walled garden setting.

If this is true, what hope have we of preserving the vernacular architecture of this county?


Summers Place

Stane Street Billingshurst

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