Myrtle Beach area political meetings

• The North Myrtle Beach Democratic Club is holding its annual Free Fish Fry from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Fat Harold’s parking lot, 210 Main St., North Myrtle Beach.

Everyone is welcome. The food is free but donations are accepted.

For more information, contact Brian Scott at 503-6128 or

• The South Enders meet at 6 p.m. Sept. 8 at The Borgata Restaurant, 813 Surfside Drive, Surfside Beach.

For more information, e-mail Steve Chand at or visit the group’s website at

• The Beach Dems meet for breakfast from 8 to 9 a.m. Sept. 9 at Akels Restaurant, corner of 65th Avenue North and Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach.

Each month will feature a guest speaker.

For more information, contact Sally P. Howard at 455-1936 or


• Conservatives for Responsible Government meets the third Thursday of each month.

For more information, call Carol Kinsman at 281-4522.