Get a taste of D.C. Beer Week


Great Lakes Cask Night

2 p.m. ChurchKey, 1337 14th St. NW.

When Great Lakes Brewing Co. made its Washington debut at the Big Hunt last summer, the line of Cleveland expats looking for a taste of home stretched down Connecticut Avenue. Expect a similar reaction when ChurchKey debuts five cask- conditioned ales — traditional English-style beers served with excess carbonation — at a special tapping party.


2nd Annual Brooklyn Brawl

7 p.m. Kramerbooks, 1517 Connecticut Ave. NW.

Wine and cheese is so 20th century. The new thing is to pair craft beer with craft cheese — a funky blue cheese with a rich stout, or a sharp cheddar with a hoppy ale. Taste seven of Brooklyn Brewery’s beers, including the lemony, zesty Soraci Ace farmhouse ale and the Black Ops, with its notes of bourbon and coffee, coupled with cheese designed to bring out its flavors. Each six-ounce beer and snack it’s paired with runs $7 to $9.


Homebrewers Match Up IV

6 p.m. Meridian Pint, 3400 11th St. NW,

Twenty-five D.C. home brewers put their best beers forward at Meridian Pint, and members of the public are invited to sample them all and vote for their favorite.


12 Percent Imports tap takeover

5 p.m. Pizzeria Paradiso, 124 King St., Alexandria.

If you’ve tasted a delicious Belgian ale from a small brewery with an unpronounceable name, there’s a good chance it was brought to America by 12 Percent Imports. The company is putting some rare beers on all 14 of Paradiso’s taps, including the sweet, funky ‘t Gaverhopke Singing Blond Ale, the spicy Sint Canarus Tripel and Cazeau Tournay farmhouse ale. All beers are $4 from 5 to 7 p.m. and $8 after, including a cask-conditioned Stillwater Stateside Saison.


24 Drafts and One Cask

5 p.m. Meridian Pint, 3400 11th St. NW,

Meridian Pint is filling its 24 taps and one cask with beers from three of the staff’s favorite breweries: 10 drafts each from Maine’s Allagash and St. Louis’s Schlafly and four drafts and a cask ale from home-town heroes DC Brau. Meanwhile, Andy White, the chef at Schlafly’s tap room, will be grilling “St. Louis-style meats” on the patio.

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