New Listed Buildings At Risk Register Now Published
New Listed Buildings At Risk Register Now Published
A new Buildings at Risk register for 2011 has been published by the conservation team at Huntingdonshire District Council. The register contains 245 listed buildings which are of concern to the council, and allows it to prioritise its resources where they are most needed.
Huntingdonshire has a fine heritage of historic buildings. There are over 2200 listed buildings and structures which are recognised for their architectural and historic interest, and which play an important role in preserving a sense of place and local identity.
The condition of these buildings is monitored by the council’s conservation team, and the register is compiled indicating which buildings or structures are at risk of structural decay or deteriorating historic fabric.
There are various types of structure included on the register, such as stately houses, redundant station buildings, ordinary homes, agricultural barns, village churches, listed boundary walls, village crosses or milestones and even steps and a summerhouse. The register also includes table tombs, gravestones, a windmill and even a former RAF control tower. These all need constant care and attention, and the conservation team works hard to support owners in the restoration and renovation of their buildings.
Officers work with owners, overseeing schemes of restoration, planning permissions and listed building consents. They also offer advice on methods of initial repair, and in exceptional circumstances can offer grants towards urgent aspects of maintenance. Limited financial aid in the form of Historic Building Grants is offered to owners of properties on the register to help assist with the specialist nature of some of the works that are required.
Cllr Doug DewCouncillor Doug Dew, Chairman of Development Management Panel said: “The Buildings at Risk register is vitally important in enabling the conservation team to monitor the condition of our numerous listed buildings. It is a key tool in supporting the positive work we undertake in co-operating with owners.”
Recent significant successes include Gate Piers at 70c High Street, Huntingdon, 86 High Street, Huntingdon, The St Ives Corn Exchange, a series of Chest Tombs in Bythorn, Numbers 2 3 Gravely Way, Hilton and the Lodge in Hemingford Park, Hemingford Abbots.
Buildings that remain of particular concern are Wansford Railway Station, the Falcon Inn pubs in Huntingdon and St Neots, 66 High Street, Warboys and Manor Farmhouse in Spaldwick, and officers are actively working towards a resolution in these cases.
Community involvement in monitoring the condition of the built heritage of Huntingdonshire is vitally important. If you think there any buildings which should be brought to the attention of the council, contact the conservation team on 01480 388410.
The Buildings at Risk register is available at through your parish council and St Neots, St Ives and Huntingdon libraries.
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