American Legion baseball sweepstakes winners listed

Kewaunee County Council of the American Legion held its drawing for the Baseball Raffle Sweepstakes on May 30.

Winners of the cash awards were as follows:

Grand prize: $1,000, Mark Konop, Stangelville; second prize: $250, Linda Dahlke, Luxemburg; third prize: $125, Chris Lensmire, Kewaunee; fourth prize: $75, Mary Dettman, Algoma; fifth prize: $75, Loren Gogin, Green Bay; sixth prize: $75, Debbie Heurkens, Green Bay; seventh prize: $50, Michelle Kitzinger, Kewaunee; eighth prize: $50, Vikki Ninedorf, Charlotte, N.C.; ninth prize: $50, James Detampel, Casco; 10th prize: $25, Lenny Willems, Algoma; 11th prize: $25, Susan Selner, Denmark; 12th prize: $25, Don Pritzl, Luxemburg.

The five Legion posts of Kewaunee County, which make up the Kewaunee County Council, sponsors of the Kewaunee County Legion baseball, thank all people who purchased tickets in support of this program.