The classified ad service Craigslist is hosting two ads from from the international manga publisher Tokyopop, which is in the process of shutting down its North American publishing division in Los Angeles. Tokyopop has confirmed with ANN that the posts are legitimate.
The ads are for the sale of two lighted signs, both featuring Tokypop’s name and “robofish” logo on metal. One sign is four inches deep and 2.5 feet by 3.5 feet (10 by 80 by 100 centimeters), and the other (pictured) is much larger: 11 feet by 8.5 feet (3.4 by 2.6 meters).
Neither sign has a fixed price and will be sold to the highest bidder; both ads also note that the buyer will have to bring their own tools to Tokyopop‘s office and take the signs down themselves. Additionally, both signs “must go this week,” presumably because Tokyopop‘s publishing division will officially shut down on May 31.
Tokyopop announced its closure this past April in the wake of the Borders bookstore chain’s bankruptcy filing and the publisher’s own laying off of numerous employees. Tokyopop founder and CEO Stu Levy announced that he is working on a documentary on the aftermath of the March 11 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake disaster (Higashi Nihon Daishinsai), and recently put out a call for volunteers to help him on the project.
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