Cardiff Council refuses proposals for Llanishen Reservoir development

Cardiff council has voiced a resounding ‘no’ vote against proposals to build a housing development on Cardiff north beauty spot.

The plans for more than 300 homes and surrounding road infrastructure on the Llanishen Reservoir were up for refusal by planning officers – should a Welsh Assembly inquiry scheduled for July send the plans back to the council.

American company Western Power Distribution are behind the plans – and have already drained tons of water from the Grade-II listed sailing site despite years of fighting from local residents and politicians. See our previous coverage of the action group campaign against WPD’s plans here.

The two planning applications under discussion today were for the housing site as well as a mini roundabout to give access to the site. Download the applications here.

Applications for homes on reservoir site

Ward member for Llanishen Richard Foley said the development would be like “building a block of flats in the centre of Cardiff castle”. He said:

“No one would do this. It’s a listed building of major importance to Cardiff and Wales and you want to put some housing on it. It’s certainly not going to make the housing site best. It’s a shocking application that shoud have never come before us.”

Planning committee member Mike Jones-Pritchard said:

“The removal of the whole purpose of its intent to withhold water and say this doesn’t affect its setting beggars belief.”

Officers at Cardiff council recommended both applications for refusal – in the event the applications come back to council following the 5 July inquiry called-in by the Welsh Assembly Government. The report states:

“It is considered that the proposals would have a harmful impact upon the character of the listed building.

“The local planning authority considers that the appropriate setting is a reservoir which is full of water.”

The report concluded there were no benefits which would outweigh the harm.

The reservoir itself is Grade-II listed by Cadw. Jonathan Evans MP and former AM Jonathan Morgan AM state in the report that the reservoir has been listed, a decision which has been upheld in the courts. They said:

“The decision makes the reservoir one of the largest listed structures in Wales and this places an important duty on the owners not to jeopardise the integrity of such buildings.

“The construction of over 300 houses within the basin would significantly damage and undermine the listed structure. The best means of maintaining the historic interest of the reservoir is to ensure its re-filling and continued use for sailing activities.”

Lisvane councillor David Walker also said the committee must remember the impact the loss of the reservoir would have on the Lisvane reservoir which is nearby.

Application for access to the site


The proposals could damage local wildlife at the reservoir the committee heard. Photo: Norman Preis

Local ward members speaking at the planning committee meeting at City Hall also argued against the new mini-roundabout on Lisvane Road which would provide access to the site.

New AM for Cardiff north Julie Morgan has objected to the plans alongside MP Jonathan Evans and ward members Margaret Jones, David Walker, Richard Foley and Kathryn Lloyd.

Officers found the developments would be detrimental to the “semi rural character”. It was also stated the introduction of the roundabout would affect the dormouse population in the area.

Margaret Jones said:

“I’m very concerned about the 1,000 extra traffic movements a day. The nearby residents would be adversely affected by the mini roundabout.”

Jones said WPD’s plans were “unrealistic” and would cause more accidents.

David Walker, the councillor for Lisvane said:

“The Lisvane pact meeting long ago identified speeding on Lisvane Road as a pact priority. Speeding there goes about 40 mph due to the long run of traffic before the calming measures.

“Many of these houses will have two cars or more and if at 8am you were to drive to Lisvane Road the traffic has stopped. That’s rush house in the morning. There’s a tail back to the village of heavy traffic. The impact of the 500 extra cars and 1,000 extra movements.

“This is an inappropriate option. Nobody in the area wants the development or this traffic calming roundabout so why are we doing it?”

Councillor Foley also said the traffic calming measures would have an adverse affect on the Llanishen Village traffic.

Members on the planning committee voted unanimously against both plans.

The decision making power now lies with Welsh ministers. Officers said this was unusual for the council to confirm their decision before the inquiry had taken place.

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