Riley is top of the tots

Riley is top of the tots

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A TOT aged just 22 months proved you’re never too young to start fundraising as he completed a ‘Toddle Waddle’ for a good cause.

Deb Thompson, 34, and her son Riley Thompson-Bennett, walked a 1km route around Basingstoke’s Eastrop Park last month and have raised in excess of £350 for the Meningitis Trust charity.

Ms Thompson said: “Initially, I was looking to do the walk alongside other mums, but there wasn’t any event set up in Basingstoke when I checked the website.

“We couldn’t find any events locally so rather than travel 30 miles to the nearest listed event, I decided that we’d do it on our own.”

Little Riley was joined by two of his friends, Ella Firbank, three, and Cassidy Firbank, aged one, and they accompanied Riley and his mum on the walk.

Mother and son were sponsored by La Tasca restaurant, in Festival Place, Basingstoke, which donated a £25 voucher to raffle off for the charity.

Ms Thompson said: “The Meningitis Trust is a great charity. Riley was rushed to hospital when he was 11 months old with suspected meningitis, although it was a false alarm.”

The Meningitis Trust is a national charity offering community-based support for people affected by the disease in the UK. It campaigns to raise awareness for the disease and funding for research
into its long-term impact.

Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Over half of all cases of the disease happen in children under the age of five. The Toddle Waddle,
an annual nationwide fundraising drive, was first set up by the charity in 1999.

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