Local History Weekend – May 2011
Eaton Socon History Weekend – May 2011
This years annual local history exhibition held at St Mary’s Church, Eaton Socon on Sat 30th April and Monday May 2nd focussed on the 1911 Census. Photographs and information from the census helped to bring alive the present area of Eaton Socon and Eaton Ford 100 years ago – when Eaton Socon was a village centred on the village green and Eaton Ford was several small hamlets, such as Cross Hall, Crosshall Ford, the Ford and Bradshaws Corner.
A small exhibition showed how the censuses had evolved from the very simple census taken in 1841 filled in by a census enumerator to the more complicated one filled in by each household in 1911. Eaton Socon village and the hamlets that are now part of Cambridgeshire were fully researched and included information such as the oldest and youngest resident, the variety of occupations, the number of homes, the total number of people, how many buildings had been built from the 1901 census and how many houses still remain from 1911.
Eaton Socon History Weekend – May 2011
Maps and photographs showed what the area looked like and people who lived in the Eatons. Extra information included what had happened to the building or the family. The oldest person listed was Joseph Marshall, aged 94 years, who had been married three times, had eight children with his second wife, and had been a baker on Eaton Socon Village Green for many years. Two events listed in his obituary were that his first ride to London was on a cartload of onions, with the journey taking two days, and his first ride on a railway was on the old railway to Blackwall, with the carriages being pulled by a rope. The youngest baby listed in the census was an unnamed baby girl born to George and Rose Nutcher in Eaton Ford and she was just 1 day old.
Available for research were many Eatons archives held by the Eatons Community Association such as information on all houses and buildings from 1800 – 1965 and some newer ones, baptisms, marriages and burials, school admission registers, electoral registers, 19th and 20th century directories, information on the Eaton Socon Enclosure Award and censuses of Eaton Socon and some nearby villages. This year visitors to the exhibition were able to get a printout of their relative’s entry in the 1911 census including the signature of their grandfather or great grandfather.
1902 Workhouse opposite the Eaton Socon fish and chip shop
A smaller exhibition by Peter Ibbett showed information on St Neots and Eynesbury in 1911 with photographs and maps. Eatons local history booklets and trails were on sale and St Neots Local History Group also brought along books for sale. Sue Jarrett, chairman of the Eatons Community Association said ‘The exhibition went very well and more information and photographs were brought along by local residents to add to our archives. We were able to help several people with their family research and to find their families in the 1911 Census.’ For more information on local families or buildings please contact Sue on 01480 216065 or email eatonsca@gmail.com .
Eaton Ford Green circa 1902-03
George Bradshaw, owner of this new house in 1911, kept traction engines on his land. The corner on which house was built became known as Bradshaws Corner, a name still known by older residents. Today, the house has been replaced by Eaton Socon Health Centre.
George Bradshaws House – Eaton Socon
George Bradshaw’s signature on the 1911 Census
George Bradshaws Signature
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