Last chance to register for the 2012 Culture Diary

Date:   Mar 21, 2011

Any organisation planning to host events during the 2012 Games can register to be listed in the 2012 Culture Diary. The deadline is 31 March 2011.

The busiest year in London’s events history is without a doubt going to be 2012.

For the first time in the capital, all event planning will be considered from a London wide view to allocate resources and ensure that we’re supported in hosting the greatest show on earth.

What is the Culture Diary?

The Culture Diary is an online calendar of all the events happening in 2012. Coordinated by the Greater London Authority (GLA), the calendar will help organisations plan their own programme for the year and will also be a a one-stop shop for Londoners and tourists wanting to find out everything cultural that is going on in the capital. 

All relevant activities and events listed will be shared with a London wide planning team, including emergency services, who will advise on events to make sure we keep London running smoothly during this busy period.

Register your events today

All events need to be registered by 31 March 2011. Events don’t need to be confirmed to be listed in the first instance – you can update your entries with more detail as they come to hand.

Other events

Sporting or commercial events for 2012 can be listed in the London Events Coordination Calendar (LECC). This calendar will include any non-cultural events happening across the capital between May-October 2012 that are expecting attendance of over 1000 people, or are likely to need traffic orders or need a new or amended license.

If you have an event which you think should be on the LECC, please contact us.


To find out more about Camden’s plans for 2012, contact Camden’s strategic Olympic officer or visit

Page last updated Mar 21, 2011 4:56 PM

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