St. Patrick’s Day events for Greater Fall River

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TAUNTON — The Taunton AARP will serve up its annual corned beef and cabbage dinner Wednesday at noon at the Lafayette Club, 18 Lakeview Ave. Non-members are welcome to attend.

BERKLEY — The Berkley Lions Club will have its annual corned beef and cabbage dinner at the Berkley American Legion, 80 Myricks St., Wednesday at 6 p.m. Lions president Tony Andrade said there will be raffles and entertainment by the Villanaires. The cost of the dinner is $15 a person, and the proceeds will benefit Massachusetts Lions Eye Research, Diabetes Awareness, the Morton Hearing Foundation and other local charities.
For tickets, call Andrade at 774-273-1616.

NEW BEDFORD — Decorate some St. Patrick’s Day cookies on Thursday from noon to 3 p.m. at the Buttonwood Park Zoo. The cost is zoo admission plus $2 a cookie

FALL RIVER — The Fall River Public Library, 104 N. Main St., will host a Leprechaun and Gold Coin Scavenger Hunt on Thursday from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m.
Make your own Lenny the Leprechaun ornament to decorate your home this St. Patrick’s Day. After the craft, go to the children’s room for a gold coin scavenger hunt and try to find the hidden Leprechaun.
For more information, contact David Mello, 508-324-2700 ext. 4,

FALL RIVER — The Corky Row Club will host a St. Patrick’s Day celebration starting at 11 a.m. Thursday.
Corned beef and cabbage dinners are available for $8 a person, and corned beef sandwiches are available for $6 per person.
For tickets, contact Missy Owsney, 508-617-3538,, or call the Corky Row Club at 508-672-9476.

TAUNTON — Corned beef and cabbage will be served all day Thursday at Curley’s Pub, 431 Winthrop St. Celtic music by Cara and Alex will begin at 4:30 p.m. A percentage of the night’s proceeds will go toward the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

TAUNTON — Professional genealogical researcher Michael Brophy will offer guidance in finding the origins of Irish ancestors Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Taunton Public Library auditorium, 12 Pleasant St.
The event is free to the public.

REHOBOTH — The Sunday Night Jammers will provide free Celtic music and dancing in the Goff Memorial Hall at the Blanding Library, 124 Bay State Road., Sunday, March 20, at 7 p.m.

SOMERSET — The Somerset United Methodist Church is having a corned beef and cabbage supper on Saturday, March 26, at 6 p.m. at Almy Hall, 841 Read St. (adjacent to the church). Dinner includes corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onions, rolls, beverage and dessert. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Hall is handicap accessible. Reserve seats by March 20 by calling 508-674-3082 or 508-679-0853.