“This American Life” Reveals Coca-Cola’s Secret Recipe (Full Ingredient List)

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“This American Life” says it has uncovered secret recipe for Coca-Cola. (istockphto)

(CBS) Has Coca-Cola finally been outed? A popular radio program has revealed what it says is the soda’s long-guarded “secret recipe,” and it’s a complicated one.

Some ingredients listed by the producers at This American Life are familiar to anyone who’s ever gazed at a can of Coke – water, sugar, citric acid, caramel, and so on. But who knew that Coke contains oil of nutmeg and orange?

Corinader oil? Neroli oil?

But whatever goes into a can of Coca-Cola to make it so tasty, health experts say there’s no doubt what comes out of drinking too much sugar-sweetened soda:


“Soda is the single greatest source of sugar in the American diet,” Dr. Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University, tells CBS News. “It’s very highly associated with obesity.”

The problem isn’t just that the sugar in soda contains so many calories, she says, but that drinking sugary soda whets our appetite for sweet-tasting food – which only fuels our intake of calories.

Oh well. It’s only Coke. Wanna brew up your own batch? Here is the ingredient list, as listed on the This American Life website:

Fluid extract of coca

Citric acid




Lime juice




Orange oil

Lemon oil

Nutmeg oil

Coriander oil

Neroli oil

Cinnamon oil