Northfield in Your Town, Edition of Feb 17, 2011

‘What You Don’t Know About Our Presidents’
Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson will give a presentation on “What You Don’t Know About Our Presidents: from George Washington to Barack Obama” 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 21 at City Hall, 1600 Shore Road. Admission is free and refreshments will be available. Children are welcome. The rain/snow date is 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24. Sponsored by the Northfield Historical Society. For information call (609) 927-7875.

City offices closed

All city offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 21 for Presidents Day. There will be no trash collection. Trash for households that have Monday pickup will be picked up along with Tuesday’s trash on Feb. 22.


Library tea party

The Friends of the Northfield library will host a formal tea party 3:30-5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26. Sarah Prester will present a program on a new type of healthy chocolate with a taste for all. Register at the front desk or by calling (609) 646-4476.


Lineage Research Workshop

The General Lafayette Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will host a lineage research workshop from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26. Access to some subscription databases including the DAR library will be available via laptop and Wi-Fi. Light refreshments will be available. Walk-ins and the public at large may attend. To RSVP or get information email
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Flea market and garage sale
The Northfield Cultural Committee will hold its spring flea market and garage sale 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, March 19 at the Northfield Community School, 2000 New Road. Proceeds support the Northfield Historical Museum. Call (609) 641-4607.


Rabies clinic
The city is holding a free rabies clinic 9-11 a.m. Saturday, March 26 at the Fire Station at City Hall, 1600 Shore Road. Dogs and cats must be licensed to receive a shot. License fees are $7 for spayed or neutered pets and $10 for pets that aren’t. Must bring proof of prior rabies vaccination to obtain a three-year shot. Initial vaccines are for one year only. Contact City Clerk Mary Canesi at (609) 641-2832, ext. 125, or email

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School board elections

The school board election will be held 2-9 p.m. Wednesday, April 27. All residents registered in Northfield vote at the Northfield Community School. The election is on a Wednesday rather than Tuesday and is one week later than traditional school board elections.


Planning Board alternate wanted
The Planning Board is looking for a resident to serve as an alternate member for a two-year term. Alternate members may participate in all matters but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. Alternate members may not act on any matter in which they have direct or indirect personal or financial interest. Call Mayor Vince Mazzeo at (609) 517-3478.

E-waste collection

During the first and third full weeks of each month, residents may put out electronic waste such as televisions, computers, monitors and portable/laptop computers on their regular trash day. They may continue to put out recyclable metals such as bed frames, aluminum swing set frames for collection by public works on these days. Items are to be placed at the curb with normal household garbage.


Official Forms

The city website,, has a calendar of events and meetings and downloadable forms for everything from pet and mercantile licenses to OPRA requests and bingo license information. A tab called “forms” directs users to the site. Residents can sign up to receive email blasts.


Northfield Museum exhibit

The Northfield Museum and Casto House in Birch Grove Park is exhibiting firefighter uniforms and accessories from 1927. Museum hours are 1-3 p.m. Sunday and Wednesday.


Story time

The Northfield Library holds story time 11 a.m. Thursdays and Saturdays. Each session includes a related craft and will be followed by juice and cookies. Contact the Northfield Library at (609) 646-4476.


To have an event listed in this section email
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, call (609) 383-8994, ext. 334, or fax (609) 383-0056 and mark Northfield at the top of the page. Include the event, date, time, any associated fees, the name and phone number of the contact person and any other information necessary. Items are run on a space-available basis.