Eric Calouro | Jan 24, 2011 | Comments 0
An interesting discovery has been made on the ATT Online Account Management system, also known as OLAM. In addition to the standard 16GB and 32GB versions of Apple’s iPhone 4, the system now lists white versions of the device. You know, the mythical iPhone that Apple said would be making its debut but never quite did?
The discovery comes just days after the white version of the iPhone 4 turned up on the Best Buy system, and hints that we aren’t too far off from seeing and official release, despite the fact Apple insisted the white iPhone 4 would be making its debut in the Spring season.
Whatever the explanation behind all of these delays are, it certainly makes us a bit wary of this device. Is it durable? Will it gradually turn yellow? The world may never know.
Filed Under: Technology • U.S.