Niche Group to launch £10m placing

Niche Group to launch £10m placing

Niche Group, the Aim-listed investment firm with interests in gas exploration in Turkey, is raising about £10m in a placing through broker Daniel Stewart.



The proceeds of the sale, at about 6p a share, will be used to increase its convertible loan to Oman Resources.

Investments undertaken by Niche so far in Oman Resources will see it own 18.7% of the company on conversion.

The existing investments provide Oman Resources with an opportunity to acquire a 50% interest in an exploration licence for the Block 4077 project in the Tuz Golu basin in southern Turkey.

According to estimates from the field’s operator, Arar, the block hosts an onshore gas discovery containing 80 billion cubic feet of recoverable gas.

Arar reckons the block hosts two more exploration areas.

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