Neurologist leaving Western Springs 4BD

Leslie Masood has listed for sale a four-bedroom, 4.5-bath home at 810 46th St. in Western Springs for $839,900.

Leslie Masood and Hani Masood acquired the property for $662,500 in Oct. 2007. The 3,504-square-foot house was built in 2006 in Central Western Springs. It is located in the Forest Hills of Western Springs subdivision. Linda Feinstein of ERA Real Estate is the agent for the listing.

Dr. Masood is a neurologist in Chicago Heights. She is affiliated with St. James Hospital Health Center-Olympia Fields and Advocate South Suburban Hospital.

She earned her medical degree from Rush Medical College.

According to, there have been 129 home sales in Western Springs during the past 12 months, with a median sales price of $444,500.

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810 47th St

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