Cardiac electrophysiologist lists in Glenview

Kousik Krishnan and Anita Krishnan have listed for sale a 2,891-square-foot home at 4330 Ivy Drive in Glenview for $579,000.

The Krishnans paid $515,000 for the property in June 2002. The house was built in 1989 in West Glenview. Honore Frumentino of Prudential Rubloff Properties is the listing agent for the home.

Dr. Krishnan works as a cardiac electrophysiologist and an assistant professor of medicine at Rush University Medical Center. He is also director of the Arrhythmia Device Clinic and associate director of the Electrophysiology Lab.

He completed his residency in internal medicine and cardiology electrophysiology fellowship at Barnes Hospital/Washington University and a cardiology fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta.

According to, there have been 568 home sales in Glenview during the past 12 months, with a median sales price of $402,000.

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Education, Doctor

4330 Ivy Dr

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