Tesco promise on listed prison

Published on Sun Jan 23 17:29:56 GMT 2011

A SCARBOROUGH councillor has welcomed a reassurance from supermarket giant Tesco that a proposed development in Dean Road will preserve historic listed prison buildings.

Concerns were raised by residents in the area when they received a letter from Scarborough Council’s planning department which proposed the “demolition of curtilage listed structures to Grade II gatehouse and former gaol, Dean Road”.

When residents read the proposal they were worried that the development would involve the irreplacable Victorian buildings being bulldozed to make way for the supermarket if it was granted planning permission by the council’s planning committee.

But yesterday a Tesco spokesman said that the buildings would not be touched as part of the development and the proposal related to structures which were attached to the gatehouse and prison building.

Matt Magee, Tesco corporate affairs manager, said: “We have worked hard to make sure that we enhance the setting of these magnificent buildings through high quality architecture and landscaping to give them the setting that they deserve.”

Last autumn both the prison building and gatehouse were used as the main locations for the British film Screwed and in the past they have featured in numerous film and TV productions.

Cllr Guy Smith, who represents residents in the North Bay ward which has Dean Road as one of its boundaries, said he was pleased with the promise from Tesco – as long as it was honoured.

He said: “I shall be keeping an eye on this as much as anybody else in this area. It’s one of those character buildings and it’d be ideal for something like the maritime heritage centre.”

Cllr Smith added that he a great believer in the preservation of our heritage. He said: “When you walk around the town the prison is one of the buildings that looks quite nice – when you see modern buildings there is nothing about them – it’s Victorian and was purpose built.”

This week it was revealed that Tesco had officially applied for permission to build a new superstore on the Dean Road site.

Local residents have until Monday, February 7, to make their feelings known about the plans.

It is proposed that the store will be significantly larger than the current Westwood branch, which it will replace, with a total sales area of 5,472 sq metres.

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There are 6 comments to this article

The fact that they are going to shield and protect the integrity of the building is positive! At present it is surrounded by bin lorries!

Also do you believe everything you read – the environmental impact on residents, and traffic and everything else will have to be assessed before such an application can be approved- otherwise SBC will be breaking the law. An environmental Imapct assessment is a specialised report- usaully for sensitive areas with wildlife- like badges. orchids etc- want to join me in the Counci depot to find some?

I seem to remember similar assurances being made about the facade of the old Debenhams shop when Brunswick was built, but one day it all accidentally fell over (or was it pushed?). I think history may repeat itself.

If you think in tesco terms or pound signs then i suppose a 24hr megastore with petrol station and car park could be seen as enhancements to a fine victorian listed building.

“TESCO will not have to assess the impact of their proposed new Scarborough superstore on surrounding residents and the environment before submitting a planning application”……….Oops.

Matt Magee, Tesco corporate affairs manager, said: “We have worked hard to make sure that we enhance the setting of these magnificent buildings through high quality architecture and landscaping to give them the setting that they deserve.”

If this is true why have Tesco not stated exactly what their plans are for the buildings and what use they propose, in addition why have they decided to shield it from the rest of the site, by planting etc around it

Your view
